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Invert Image

ECL Imager User Manual
If the image appears to be over- or under-saturated, the image exposure time may
need to be increased or decreased to acquire a properly saturated image. Exposure
time can be adjusted for subsequent image capture by using the number keypad.
3. The Display Saturation button can be selected again to turn off the false-color
Note The Display Saturation button is disabled when the Auto Contrast or
Adjust Image functions are enabled.
The Invert button is a useful tool for viewing faint gel bands. This tool inverts the
standard black background with white highlights to a white background with black
highlights or vice versa.
Original Chemi Image
1. In the active live image or acquired image, select the Invert button under the
time keypad.
2. The inverted image can be reverted to the standard image by again selecting
the Invert button.
Inverted Chemi Image
Thermo Fisher Scientific


Table of Contents

Table of Contents