Custom Exposure Time - Thermo Scientific myECL Imager Manual

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Custom Exposure Time

ECL Imager User Manual
1. Select the Custom exposure button using the touchscreen keypad.
2. Enter the desired time in milliseconds (ms), seconds (s) or minutes (m) using the
touchscreen keypad numbers. The m : s box is used to input seconds and/or
minutes and is active by default (box is gray in color). For a custom exposure
time of <1 second, select the ms box to input milliseconds. The shortest
exposure time that can be entered is 10 milliseconds; selecting "1" from the
keypad appears as "10" in the ms box.
Once a number is selected, the lower Cancel button becomes a Clear button.
Use this to remove entered numbers.
Note Selecting the Cancel button returns the custom exposure time keypad to
the pre-set exposure time keypad.
4. Select the Acquire button to capture the image.
5. The image displays in a tab on the touchscreen and is saved to the Gallery.
Note A Stop button appears over the keypad once the Acquire button is selected.
Image acquisition can be stopped by selecting the Stop button.
Note Up to six recent images can be displayed on the touchscreen.
Thermo Fisher Scientific


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