Safety Precautions For The As 6000 - PerkinElmer DSC 4000 Installation And Hardware Manual

Thermal analysis
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68 . DSC 4000 Installation and Hardware Guide

Safety Precautions for the AS 6000

The safety precautions to be followed when using the AS 6000 autosampler are the same as
those for the parent instrument: STA 6000, DSC 4000, DSC 6000, or the TGA 4000. In
addition, the following two precautions should be kept in mind:
Before switching on the parent instrument, make sure that the AS 6000
is properly attached to the base plate on the parent instrument.
Avant d'allumer l'instrument parent, assurez-vous que l'AS 6000 est bien
attaché à la plaque de base de l'instrument parent.
To rem ove the furnace lid(s) of the parent instrum ent,
alw ays use tw eezers. The furnace lid(s) m ight be hot.
P our retirer le (s) couvercle (s) du four de l'instrum ent
parent, utilisez toujours une pince à épiler. Le (s) couvercle
(s) du four pourrait être chaud.


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