Adaptive Filter - Ohmart Vega W-4510 Technical Reference Hardware Manual

Weigh scale with gen 2000 electronics model / with frequency output
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Adaptive filter

After the measurement channel comes out of the cutoff condition, the output of the
measurement filter is set to the first reading seen. Because of the normal fluctuations from
measurement noise and the nature of radioactive decay, this first reading may not be
precisely representative of the process conditions. To minimize this effect, you can activate
an adaptive filter that improves the performance of the gauge. This adaptive filter is set up in
screen 529, addresses 90 through 96.
From 529 APP CODE ACCESS screen, address 90, type 1 and press ENTER
to enable the adaptive filter.
From 529 APP CODE ACCESS screen, address 91, type the minimum value to
set the time constant when coming of fast cutoff (default minimum value is set
to a value of one) and press ENTER
From 529 APP CODE ACCESS screen, address 92, type the maximum value
to increment the time constant (set same as normal time constant up to a value
of 100 seconds, the default value is set to 30 seconds) and press ENTER
From 529 APP CODE ACCESS screen, address 93, type how many seconds
to maintain each time constant before bumping to the new value (default value
is set to 10 seconds) and press ENTER
From 529 APP CODE ACCESS screen, address 94, Enter how much to step
up the time constant (default value is five seconds) and press ENTER
To view the current time constant value of the adaptive filter, go to 529 APP
CODE ACCESS screen, address 95
Connect write protect jumper, JP17 and save to EEPROM
Disconnect the write protect jumper, JP17. This protects the information in the
529 APP CODE ACCESS screen, address 95 and 96 are diagnostic locations. Address 95 is
the current time constant with the adaptive filter. Address 96 is the maximum time constant
minus the current time constant. When this number gets to zero, the adaptive filtering is
complete until the detection of the next cutoff condition.
Procedure 18: Setting up an adaptive filter
W-4510 Weigh Scale Technical Reference Manual


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