junger D*AP4 VAP Edition Manual page 53

Voice audio processors
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Link Threshold settings
Graph (lower)
Signature / Max Gain (dB) [0 ... 12]
Link Max Gain Settings
Capture Signature
[ON / OFF]
The absolute gate threshold can be set individually for every single
band. However, in most cases this is not necessary. Checking this box
links all gate thresholds. This connection is absolute, differences
between bands will be overwritten. Please note: For convenient
operation, this function is also available in the Expert section
(see below).
Spectral Signature does not work with an absolute level reference. Its
frequency response is based on level differences between bands only.
Thus a signature is only represented on a relative graph showing the
level positions related to the neighboring bands. In consequence,
having a straight line does not mean Spectral Signature is not doing
anything or is in a 'neutral' status. A straight line would cause Spectral
Signature to modify the input signal towards the frequency response of
white noise which is, in most cases, not desirable. To change a band,
just grab and drag the corresponding sphere. It is recommended to use
the 'Learn' function first (see below). Every single band can have an
individual max gain value that limits the maximum amplification and
attenuation. To set this value, grab and drag the smaller sphere on the
bottom of the main sphere. The max gain setting is indicated by the
size of the main sphere. The lowest and highest values are indicated by
a flashing edge.
[ON / OFF]
Instead of dialing in all max gain settings individually per band, this link
function is a handy tool for basic setup. This connection is absolute,
differences between bands will be overwritten.
[ON / OFF]
Checkboxes on the bottom of the lower graph can be used to bypass
single bands from processing.
Spectral Signature is a dynamic filter tool to even out differences
between signals of different source or condition. It does not have an
absolute reference. Only if the incoming signals frequency response
equals the reference response (signature), Spectral Signature will
operate in a neutral manner. To create a reference spectrum, which is
called 'Signature', start your reference signal and hit the 'Learn' button.
After a couple of seconds (see below), the Signature is updated. If the
input signal does not change, the upper graph shows that the input and
output curves are alike. If the incoming signal spectrum changes,
Spectral Signature starts to even out the tonal differences, without
destroying the original structure.
[manual / 1s ... 30s / 1min]
Determines the time over which the input frequency response is
integrated to create the signature. A shorter time is sufficient for single
channel signals, where the content remains stable over time (for
example a presenter microphone). Longer time settings are appropriate
for mixed content or buses (for example a studio output).


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