SeaSpace TeraScan 1.5M Operation And Maintenance Manual page 231

Polar satellite tracking antenna
Table of Contents


level platform 124
level platform drive belt 146
level platform drive motor 126
PCU 107
pedestal control unit 107
power injector 138
servo amplifier 122
tracking positioner drive
motors 114–117
return shipping 106
sea-going antennas
software configuration 81
servo amplifier replacement 122
setup of antenna 77
ship heading from NMEA
message 189
shipheading command 190
shipping returned items 106
site location, checking/
updating 194
software configuration for land-
based antennas 82
software configuration for sea-
going antennas 81
spare parts 102–105
startup of antenna 80
sunalign command 158, 191
sunclock command 159, 192
hardware connections 3
location 194
power requirements 7
time 192
system.config file 159, 187
telemetries received 4
TeraScan commands
ac 83, 175, 182
ac NMEA 189
align 183
autoalign 185
date 186
newsite 90
nmea_monitor 187–189
shipheading 190
sunalign 158, 191
sunclock 159, 192
trackeye 85, 193
trackeye antlead 191
whereami 90, 159, 184,
testing the antenna 83
time, checking/updating 192
tool kit for repairs 100
TR100 2
trackeye antlead command 191
trackeye command 85, 193
tracking positioner
diagnostics 94–97
drive motor replacement
specifications 8, 9
tscan.rc.local file 194
weight of antenna 9
whereami command 90, 159, 184,
wind loads for antenna 5
TeraScan 1.5m Polar Satellite Tracking Antenna O & M Manual 215


Table of Contents

Table of Contents