Christie DLV1280 DX User Manual page 58

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Pixel Phase
Pixel phase adjusts the phase of the pixel sampling clock relative to the incoming
signal. It is used primarily for adjusting RGB inputs.
NOTE: Adjust pixel phase after pixel tracking is properly set.
Adjust pixel phase when the image (usually from an RGB source) shows shimmer or
"noise". Pixel phase adjustment is done most effectively from within a proper test
pattern, such as a smooth gray consisting of a clear pattern of tiny black and white
dots, or a similar graphic image, such as the Windows shutdown screen. Adjust until
the image is stable and each dot is clearly defined. Using the numbers on the slidebar
as a guide, you will notice that you can actually stabilize the image at more than one
point—i.e., you may find that the image appearance at "11" is identical to the image
appearance at "38", thus you can select either setting.
If, after properly adjusting both pixel tracking and phase, the image still appears
"noisy", adjust Filter as described below.
This option applies a low pass filter to the input signal. Filter removes high
frequencies which can improve pixel phase noise but which also reduces signal
bandwidth. Note that most signals will not require any filter adjustment—use the
filter option only if standard pixel tracking and phase adjustments do not adequately
clear up a "noisy" signal. For best results:
1. Optimize Pixel Tracking and jot down the
2. Optimize Pixel Phase
3. If the image is still too noisy, return to Pixel
Tracking and "mis-adjust" so that 2 vertical
bands of noise appear, separated by a good
center band. See right.
4. Adjust Filter to maximize the width of the good
area. See right.
5. Return Pixel Tracking to its correct setting from
Step 1.
6. Readjust Phase.
NOTE: "Filter" affects only the current signal.
This option moves image right or left.
NOTE: The value shown represents where the approximate center of the image lies in
relation to the total number of pixels available horizontally. This varies widely
according to the signal—watch the image while adjusting.
and adjust the bottom slidebar.)
and adjust the top slidebar.)
DLV1280 DX User's Manual


Table of Contents

Table of Contents