Threading Film - Christie 35/70 Maintenance And Service Manual

Automated electronic film projector
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Threading Film

Consult the threading diagram in Figure 3.1, and thread the film as shown. The film must be threaded so that the emulsion
side is toward the lamp. It is important that the right amount of film is in the gate area so that the projector can effect a
proper loop set. For 70 millimeter film thread the film so that, when the top loop is pulled into the bottom, the total
bottom loop guide is 75% full. For 35 millimeter film thread the film so that there are 20 frames, plus 1 frame for every 50
feet of projector to screen distance, of film between the aperture opening in the gate and the DTS sound head. Setting the
loop correctly is important in order to maintain proper sound to picture synchronization. After the film has been threaded
set upper and lower reel tension so the torque arms are approximately in their center positions.
35mm Film Threading
With DTS head
CHRISTIE INC. - - 35/70 Service/PM Manual
July, 1997
Figure 3.1: EP-35/70 Projector Threading Diagrams
70mm Film Threading
3 : O p e r a t i n g t h e P r o j e c t o r
With DTS Head
70mm Film Threading
With Magnetic Head


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