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Seco ETX-A61 User Manual page 40


PIDE_CS3#/SIDE_CS3#: Primary / Secondary IDE Chip Select 3#, +3.3V_S active low output. They are used to select the Control Block registers on the device
found connected.
PIDE_DRQ/SIDE_DRQ: Primary/Secondary IDE DMA request, +3.3V_S inputs. These signals are used by the IDE devices in order to request a DMA transfer
PIDE_AK#/SIDE_AK#: Primary/Secondary IDE DMA Acknowledge, +3.3V_S active low outputs. These signals are used to confirm that the DMA request has been
received and that the DMA transfer has been granted.
PIDE_RDY/SIDE_RDY: Primary/Secondary IDE Ready, +3.3V_S input. These signals are driven by the external IDE devices to report if they are ready to fulfil a data
transfer request.
PIDE_IOR#/SIDE_IOR#: Primary/Secondary IDE I/O Read Command, active low +3.3V_S output. These signals are asserted by the bridge each time it tries to
access to the disk in Read Mode.
PIDE_IOW#/SIDE_IOW#: Primary/Secondary IDE I/O Write Command, +3.3V_S active low output. These signals are asserted by the bridge each time it tries to
access to the disk in Write Mode.
PIDE_INTRQ/SIDE_INTRQ: Primary/Secondary IDE Interrupt request, +3.3V_S inputs
HDRST#: IDE devices reset, active-low +3.3V_S output. This signal is used to reset the Disk Drives connected to IDE interface. Please check also the following
On the carrier board, these signals can be carried out directly to the IDE (P-ATA) connectors.
If the module purchased is in dual P-ATA configurations, then consider that each IDE (P-ATA) slot should be occupied, i.e. connected to a mass
storage device. Indeed, if at least one of the two slots is left empty, then BIOS boot will last around 30 seconds, while the OS may take some
minutes to complete the boot phase.
Moreover, it is not possible to disable the empty channel only. When disabling PATA, both the channels will be disabled
Double PATA configuration
In the ETX standard there is only one Hard Disk Reset signal, while each SATA-to-IDE bridge has its own reset output signal.
This can cause problems with the BIOS; which could not detect correctly the Disk Drives, and with the OS boot.
There are two possible solutions to this issue:
1. Enable the board reset when boot drives are not detected. To do this, enable the "Reset On No Boot Device Found" item in the "Boot" page of Setup Utility
(see par. 4.6)
2. As an alternative (or along with the previous solution), it is possible to enable the Watchdog in the Setup Utility, disabling then it in the OS by using the EAPI
These solutions can be applied also in TA61 Single PATA configuration modules.
ETX-A61 User Manual - Rev. First Edition: 1.0 - Last Edition: 1.2 - Author: S.B. - Reviewed by G.G. Copyright © 2017 SECO S.r.l.
s reset workaround

