Glass Breakage; Sterilisation And Disinfection Of The Rotor Chamber And Accessories - Sigma 2-16KL Operating Manual

Refrigerated centrifuge
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Pos : 190 /100 Sigma/100 BA Z entrifugen Sigma (Standardm odul e)/080 War tung und Instandhaltung/080-0010- 0060 Glasbr uch @ 28\m od_1405320623434_68.docx @ 194901 @ 3 @ 1

Glass breakage

Pos : 191 /010 Univ ers almodul e/
Leerz eile @ 0\mod_1202116244500_0.docx @ 114 @ @ 1
Pos : 192 /100 Sigma/100 BA Z entrifugen Sigma (Standardm odul e)/080 War tung und Instandhaltung/080-0020 Sterilisati on und Desinfek tion v on Rotork ammer und Zubehör @ 28\m od_1405320626090_68.docx @ 194929 @ 2 @ 1
Sterilisation and disinfection of the rotor chamber and
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Seitenwechs el @ 0\mod_1202116244312_0.docx @ 105 @ @ 1
Version 08/2012, Rev. 1.24 of 28/04/2022 • sb
Translation of the original operating manual, part no. 0700702
In the case of glass breakage, immediately remove all glass particles (e.g.
with a vacuum cleaner). Replace the rubber cushions since even thorough
cleaning will not remove all glass particles.
Glass particles will damage the surface coating (e.g. anodising) of the
buckets, which will then lead to corrosion.
Glass particles in the rubber cushions of the buckets will cause glass
breakage again.
Glass particles on the pivot bearing of the load- bearing bolts prevent the
buckets and carriers from swinging evenly, which will cause an imbalance.
Glass particles in the rotor chamber will cause metal abrasion due to the
strong air circulation. This metal dust will not only pollute the rotor chamber,
rotor, and materials to be centrifuged but also damage the surfaces of the
accessories, rotors, and rotor chamber.
In order to completely remove the glass particles and metal dust from
the rotor chamber:
Grease the upper third of the rotor chamber with e.g. Vaseline.
Then, let the rotor rotate for a few minutes at a moderate speed
(approx. 2000 rpm). The glass and metal particles will now collect at the
greased part.
Remove the grease with the glass and metal particles with a cloth.
If necessary, repeat this procedure.
Use commercially-available disinfectants such as, for example,
, Buraton
The centrifuge and the accessories consist of various materials. A
possible incompatibility must be considered.
Before using cleaning or decontamination agents that were not
recommended by us, contact the manufacturer to ensure that such a
procedure will not damage the centrifuge.
For autoclaving, consider the continuous heat resistance of the
individual materials (see chapter 8.2.1 - "Autoclaving").
Please contact us if you have any queries (see chapter 7.3 - "Service
If dangerous materials (e.g. infectious and pathogenic substances) are
used, the centrifuge and accessories must be disinfected.
Refrigerated Centrifuge Sigma 2-16KL
(available at chemist's shops or
, or Terralin
8 Maintenance and service
57 / 82


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