Save Program To Drive 0; Save Program To Drive 1; Self Test - Cablescan 512 Instruction Manual

Continuity tester
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Model 512 Instruction Manual

Save Program to Drive 0

The SAVE PROGRAM mode is used to copy the program from memory to a floppy disk. A
complete Save procedure is provided below. Once familiarized, the user may refer to Figure 8.
To select and use the SAVE PROGRAM mode, proceed as follows:
1. Insert Enable plug in ENABLE jack on rear panel.
2. Press Up or Down arrow to step through the menu until Save Program to Drive 0 is
3. Press MENU RUN to initiate Save, and the display will show: Drive 0: PROGRAM 1.
For file name PROGRAM 1, display will show either:
4. To save program to file name PROGRAM 1, press MENU RUN. (To select a different
file name, PROGRAM 2 through 9, press appropriate arrow key).
5. If file name is free, press MENU RUN. This will save the program to the displayed file
name. If the filename is in use, and you wish to select a new file name, press MENU
RUN and then use arrow key to select a different file name. To save to a file name that is
in use, thereby over-writing the program currently on disk, use arrow key to locate it,
then press MENU RUN.

Save Program to Drive 1

This function is used to save to an external disk drive if the Model 512 has an external disk drive
connector and an external disk drive is connected. The operation of this function is identical to
the Save Program to Drive 0. (The external disk drive connector was available on earlier
systems; it is no longer available.)

Self Test

This mode is used to test the Model 512. Basically it checks for opens and shorts on the scanner
transmit and receive lines (Scanner Modules). The error type (Open or Short) and the faulty
points are displayed. No test harness should be connected to the unit during Self Test; shorts in
the test harness would be displayed as shorts in the tester.
To perform a Self Test, use the arrow keys to display the mode and then press MENU RUN. If
an error is located, testing stops and the error is displayed. To continue past the error, press
MENU RUN again. During Self Test, "test in progress..." will display. After the test is
complete the display will show "test in progress...passed xxxx rev yyyy." Where xxxx is the
number of points tested and yyyy is the software revision number.
"PROGRAM 1 is free. Save (y/n) ?" or
"PROGRAM 1 in use. Save (y/n) ?"
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