Cleaning; Disposal Of Rinsate - Micron Spraydome Series Instruction Manual

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Wear Gloves
When spray is complete ALWAYS spray out any remaining residue over the treated
area or a suitable non crop area. Do not exceed maximum dose rates.
Rinse out the spray lines, pump and atomiser/nozzles with clean water and spray out
any rinsate onto the treated area or a suitable non crop area. Do not exceed
maximum dose rates.
Wash down any contaminated surfaces with clean water and detergent in a secure
area or biobed where washings are retained and cannot enter waterways or drain
into adjacent areas.

Disposal of Rinsate

Always dispose of chemicals in accordance with the manufacturer's
Pesticides must always be handled and stored in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.
Pesticides must be stored in their original containers.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure all possible measures are
taken to protect the environment.
It is the responsibility of the user to be familiar with, and adhere to, all
relevant national and local restrictions, prohibitions and regulations
regarding the use and disposal of pesticides.
If the sprayer should fail during operation drain any spray mix from the system.
Collect all spray mix in suitable containers. Use the collected fluids at the earliest
opportunity once the sprayer has been repaired. Store or dispose of the spray mix in
accordance with the manufacturer's instruction.
Wear Eye
Micron Sprayers Ltd. Spraydome/Undavina and Spraymiser
Wear Protective
Wash hands

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