Deceleration Time 2/3/4; Positive And Negative Dead Time; Zero Speed Torque Function; Zero Speed Torque Retention Factor - Veichi AC300 Series Technical Manual

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AC300 Series Vector Control Inverter Manual
See parameter [F01.16] for details.

Deceleration time 2/3/4:

When the parameter [F01.16] LED bit is set to "0", it refers to the time required for the output frequency to decelerate
from the maximum frequency to 0.00Hz;
When the parameter [F01.16] LED bit is set to "1", it refers to the time required for the output frequency to decelerate
from 50.00 Hz to 0.00 Hz;
When the parameter [F01.16] LED bit is set to "2", it refers to the time required for the output frequency to decelerate
from the set frequency to 0.00Hz;
See parameter [F01.16] for details.
Acceleration/deceleration time 2/3/4 can only switch the current acceleration/deceleration time group by the
combination of the multi-function terminal "acceleration/deceleration time selection terminal 1" and
"acceleration/deceleration time selection terminal 2" and (COM) (PLC program Except for operation); if the
acceleration/deceleration time selection terminal is not set, the factory default value is that the acceleration/deceleration
time 1 is valid, and the inverter performs acceleration/deceleration according to the acceleration/deceleration time 1.
The definition of the acceleration/deceleration time of the PLC program operation is detailed in the parameters
The jog acceleration/deceleration time is not within this range, and the jog acceleration and deceleration time are
individually set by [F01.39, F01.40].
Acceleration and deceleration time selection comparison table:
Terminal 2
Terminal 1
Acc/Dec time selection
Acc time
Acc time
Acc time
Acc time
If you have doubts about the above table, you can refer to the multi-speed multi-speed timing diagram of the "F12"
parameter group.
DEC time at emergency stop
Setting range: 0.01~650.00s
It's used to set the deceleration time during emergency stop. The definition of emergency stop time is the same as
the deceleration time. Please set the emergency stop time according to the site conditions to avoid over-current and
over-current caused by abnormality. Over-voltage affects the deceleration time.
The emergency stop function can only be triggered by the input terminal (terminal function is set to "7: emergency
stop"). For details, see parameter [F02.00~F02.09] IO terminal, [F03.12, F03.15] AI2 terminal.
When the multi-function output terminal is set to "26: Emergency stop", the output terminal always outputs a valid
signal during the emergency stop.
See parameter [F02.43~F02.50] for details.
Function Parameter Specifications
Dec time
Dec time
Dec time
Dec time
Default: 1.00s
AC300 Series Vector Control Inverter Manual
FWD&REV dead time
Setting range: 0.0~120.0s

Positive and negative dead time:

This function is defined as the transition time that the inverter waits at 0.0Hz during the process from forward to
reverse, or from reverse to forward rotation. The positive and negative dead time is mainly for large inertia load and
there is machinery when changing steering. Set for the device in the dead zone.
Zero speed torque frequency threshold
Zero speed torque coefficient
Zero speed torque holding time

Zero speed torque function:

It is effective under open loop V/F or open loop vector to set the output torque and duration of the inverter at zero
Invalid in closed-loop control mode (the motor can achieve zero servo function under closed-loop control.)
Zero speed torque frequency threshold: set the frequency threshold of the inverter to enter the zero speed state, as
the judgment of the inverter entering the zero speed torque holding state one of the broken conditions.

Zero speed torque retention factor:

Set the output torque of the inverter when running at zero speed, 100% corresponds to the rated current of the
Zero speed torque holding time:
Set the time to keep the motor output torque after the inverter enters the zero speed torque state.
[F01.31] When the set value is 0~5999.9s, the timer will start when the inverter enters the zero speed torque state
(operating frequency is 0Hz). After the time reaches the set value, the inverter will stop zero speed torque hold and stop
output. (Entering the stop state).
[F01.31] When the set value is 6000s, it will not be timed when the inverter enters the zero speed torque state
(operating frequency is 0Hz). The zero speed torque state is valid for the long term by default, only after giving the stop
command or given non-zero. The operating frequency only terminates the zero speed torque hold.
The zero speed torque function enters the condition judgment:
1. During the start-up speed of the inverter, when the given frequency is less than the starting frequency, the
inverter output is zero, but does not enter the zero-speed torque function.
2. During the forward and reverse switching of the inverter during normal operation, when the output
frequency is less than [F01.29], the output zero frequency, enter the zero speed torque function, when the zero
speed torque holding time [F01.31] is greater than the positive and negative When the dead time [F01.28] is
changed, the hold time is determined by the positive and negative dead time [F01.28].
3. When the inverter is in normal operation, change the frequency setting value during the speed-up and
Function Parameter Specifications
Default: 0.0s
Setting range: 0.00~10.00Hz
Default: 0.50Hz
Setting range: 0.0~150.0%
Default: 60.0%
Setting range: 0.0~6000.0s
Default: 0.0s


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