Troubleshooting - Strong SRT 8530 User Manual

Table of Contents


PART 3 • English
Use pq to select the submenu and press oK.
6.5.1 receiver Information
This item contains useful information about the receiver, its model number, hardware and software
versions, Client ID/Activation Code (unique receiver identifier), etc.
6.5.2 signal Information
This item shows useful information about current channel, its name and frequency, signal strength and
quality indicators and technical parameters for it.
6.5.3 Irdeto ca status
The submenu Irdeto CA Status is primarily useful for professionals and includes specific information,
terms and abbreviations about the receiver and services. Many options are in English and not translated
into local languages. However, under some circumstances you may need this information.
Service status:
Loader Status:
Product Status:
Client Status:
6.5.4 Mail
This submenu allows you to read messages received from the operator.
When you get new message from the operator the  will be displayed at the upper left corner of the TV
screen. Press  on the remote control or open this submenu to read the message.
Use pq to select the message and press oK to open.
Use red to delete a message.
Use green to delete ALL messages from the list.

7.0 TroubleshooTIng

There may be many reasons that affect the correct operation of your receiver. If the receiver does not
work as you expect, please follow the steps outlined below. If after performing these operations the
receiver still does not work well, contact your dealer or service centre in your area.
Do not open the receiver cover. This action will damage the warranty seals and warranty repairs will be
If the operator uses scrambled broadcasting, the Activation Code is used for
the receiver identification in terms of getting permission from the operator
for watching scrambled and PayTV channels. It is shown on the receiver
package and on its bottom.
Displays information about the state of service management decoding.
Displays information about the state of the loader software, version, date and
time of last update.
Displays information about the state of the operator's product for which you
have subscribed, the beginning and the duration of the subscription period,
Displays the status of the receiver as a client of a conditional access system, a
unique receiver identifier and built-in conditional access systems parameters.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents