Lighting - Cadillac 1937 LaSalle VVI Information

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Care of Headlamps—The
headlamps require periodic
cleaning and occasional readjustment.
To clean the head-
lamps, remove both headlamp doors. Clean the lenses with
alcohol inside and outside. Carefully wipe all dust from the
reflectors and, if necessary, polish them with a soft rag
dipped in a mixture of lamp black and alcohol. In polishing
reflectors, always rub from the center straight out to the r i m ;
never rub in circles.
Inspect the gaskets and replace them if they are damaged
or do not register properly. Replace any bulbs that are burnt
out or that show signs of blackening.
T r y the lighting
switches in all positions to see that all bulbs burn properly.
The headlamps are designed for prefocused bulbs, so no
focusing adjustment can be made in the lamps.
On this
account, only prefocused bulbs can be used in these lamps,
and no other bulbs will be satisfactory.
Because of this de-
sign, aiming is the only adjustment required by the head-
Page 68
Headlamp Adjustment—Place the car on a level sur-
face with the headlamps aimed toward and 25 feet from a
garage door or other reasonably light colored vertical sur-
Draw a horizontal line on this surface at the level of
the headlamp centers.
I f your state requires a loading
allowance, draw this horizontal line the required distance
below the level of the lamp centers.
Sight through the center
of the rear window over the radiator cap to determine the
center point of the horizontal line and draw vertical lines
through points at the right and left of 'this center point
directly ahead of the center of each headlamp.
The lighting switches should be turned to the " D r i v i n g "
position, which means that the lower filaments will be lighted
m both lamps.
The headlamp doors and lenses must be
in place and one of the headlamps covered. The beam from
the uncovered lamp should then appear as shown on page
68, i f it is a left headlamp, or as shown on page 69 if it is a
right headlamp.
When correctly aimed, the beam from the left headlamp
should have the upper edge of the hot spot at the horizontal
line and the left edge at the vertical line directly ahead of
the lamp as shown.
The beam from the right headlamp
should likewise have the upper edge of the hot spot at the
horizontal line, but with the maximum intensity centered
on the vertical line directly ahead of the lamp and the
right cut-off of the hot spot about a foot to the right of this
line as shown.
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