Camber; Camber Adjustment - Cadillac 1937 LaSalle VVI Information

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Series 37-65, 70, 75 and 85—1. Loosen retain-
ing nuts fastening steering knuckle support yokes
to upper a n d lower suspension arms.
2. Loosen clamp screw at upper end of steering
knuckle support.
3. Remove lubrication fitting from front bush-
ing of upper support yoke.
4. Insert A l l e n wrench, T o o l J-619, through
the hole from which the lubrication fitting was
taken and adjust caster b y turning the threaded
p i n u n t i l the desired caster setting is secured, as
Shown i n Plate 10, F i g . 9.
Note: Turning threaded pins in a clockwise
direction increases the caster and vice
5. After
completing adjustment
to recom-
specifications, tighten
nuts a n d support clamp screws, a n d reinstall the
Note: T h e above procedure can be used only
to change the caster angle two or three
If caster is out more than this,
check front suspension parts for misalign-
ment and make correction by replacing
bent or misaligned parts rather than by
excessive adjustment.
Series 37-90—1. Remove locking bolts i n outer
end of upper suspension arms
for threaded p i n
in steering knuckle support.
2. T u r n threaded p i n w i t h wrench until de-
sired caster adjustment is secured.
Note: Turning threaded pins so that upper end
of steering knuckle support is moved
toward rear of car increases the caster
and vice versa.
Threaded pin must be
turned in multiples of J-2 or full turns
so that locking bolts can be installed.
3. After completing the adjustment to recom-
mended specifications, reinstall locking bolts.
Note: The above procedure can be used only to
change the caster angle two or three
If caster is out more than this,
check the front suspension parts for
misalignment and make correction by
replacing bent or misaligned parts rather
than by excessive adjustment.
6. C a m b e r
Camber is the outward tilt of the front wheels
at the top.
See Plate 9, F i g . 5.
T h e purpose of camber is to support the greater
part of the car weight o n the inner wheel bearings,
to reduce side thrust on the steering knuckle
bolts, to compensate for looseness a n d wear i n
the steering knuckle a n d wheel bearings, a n d to
bring the point of pivot near the center of the
tire tread.
T o o m u c h camber is undesirable because o f the
effect i t has o n tire contact w i t h the road.
I n
order to secure the effect o f camber required for
easy steering and m i n i m u m wear of parts, the
steering knuckle bolts are inclined inward at the
top to reduce the amount of camber which would
otherwise be necessary.
It is obvious, therefore,
that the angle of inclination of the steering
knuckle bolts (Plate 9, F i g . 5, Angle " B " ) is
closely associated with the wheel camber i n its
effect on steering.
7. C a m b e r A d j u s t m e n t
T h e proper camber setting for series 37-50 a n d
60 cars is ]4° to 1°, for series 37-65, 70, 75, 85 and
90 cars 0° to H°.
W h e n checking the camber, the front wheels
should be turned so that the high spot on the
tires is i n a horizontal plane, as shown i n P l a t e 9,
F i g . 6.
T h e camber angle should be w i t h i n the
limits shown above and equal within 34° on both
sides of the car.
Knuckle Bolt Angle—If
camber is incorrect
the inclination of the steering knuckle bolt ( " B "
F i g . 5) should be checked according to the speci-
fications on page 48. A n incorrect angle indicates
bent suspension arms or steering knuckle sup-
ports, which of course have a direct effect on
B e n t parts should be replaced and, since
the installation of new parts m a y affect the t u r n -
ing angle of the wheels, the toe-out of the wheels
on turns should be checked after such replace-
It is also advisable after making a camber cor-
rection to change the tires, putting the front ones
on opposite rear wheels a n d the rear ones on
opposite front wheels to provide a normal tire
C a m b e r Correction—The
for set-
ting the camber angle is as follows:
Series 37-50 and 60—1. Loosen clamp screw
at upper end of steering knuckle support.
2. R e m o v e lubrication fitting from front bush-
ing of upper support yoke.
3. Insert A l l e n wrench, T o o l J-619, through
the hole from which the lubrication fitting was re-
moved, and adjust the camber b y turning the
threaded p i n u n t i l desired adjustment is secured.
Note: Since the camber adjustment is controlled
by the eccentric action of the threaded
pin, }4 turn gives the maximum adjust-
ment and is all that should be required.
(See Plate 10, Fig. 10.)
4. After completing adjustment to the recom-
mended specifications, tighten the knuckle sup-
port clamp screws a n d install the lubrication
Series 37-65, 70, 75, 85 and 90—1. R e m o v e
retaining nut and spacers from the steering knuckle
support yoke at the lower suspension arm. (See
N o t e 13.)
2. R e m o v e steering knuckle support yoke a n d
reinstall w i t h spacers arranged so as to secure the
correct camber, as shown i n Plate 10, F i g . 12.

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