Removal Of Transmission From Car; Series 37-50, 60, 65, 70, 75 And; Installation Of Transmission In Car - Cadillac 1937 LaSalle VVI Information

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N o t e : B e sure t o i n s t a l l p i n 1422110 w i t h the
h o l l o w e d e n d u n d e r t h e s p r i n g c o i l as
s h o w n .
O n the first series 37-65, 70 a n d 75 transmissions,
a somewhat larger p i n , was used, and this - p i n
must always be used for replacement on these
early shifter levers.
7. Tapered Shifter Lever Pin—Series 37-50
to 85 incl.
types of shifter lever pins as shown i n
Plate 54, F i g . 16 have been used i n 37-series
inertia type transmissions.
T h e first type has a
square head that fits into a square slot i n the
high and intermediate shifter shaft.
T h e second
type has a tapered head that fits a tapered slot.
A l l 37-series V - 8 a n d V - 1 2 replacement
missions furnished b y the P a r t s D i v i s i o n
have the second type high a n d
shifter shaft.
Whenever a replacement
mission is installed on a car h a v i n g square head
pins, it will therefore be necessary t o change the
pin i n the shifter lever to the second type tapered
pin, part number 1422051.
T h e high a n d intermediate shifter shaft and
fork is furnished as a complete assembly, part
No. 3502513, a n d i n the event it is necessary t o
replace either one, the complete shifter shaft and
fork assembly must be replaced.
8. Hard Shifting—Series 37-50 to 85 incl.
H a r d shifting into low or reverse m a y be caused
1. T h e p i n for the high a n d intermediate
shifter shaft m a y not release completely from the
2. T h e driver m a y n o t move the gear shift
lever far enough t o the left.
The difficulty can be corrected i n either case
by installation of the second type tapered p i n ,
shaft, a n d fork, as explained i n N o t e 7.
9. Noisy Speedometer Gear—Series 37-50 to
85 incl.
Gear noise from the general area of the trans-
mission m a y be due to the speedometer
Dimensional changes have been made i n
the speedometer
and pinion shaft
remedy this condition.
I n instances of complaint,
it is necessary to replace both the speedometer
pinion and the pinion shaft, and it m a y also be
' necessary i n some cases to change the speed-
ometer d r i v i n g gear o n the m a i n shaft.
type parts only are furnished b y the P a r t s D i v i -
sion under the following numbers:
P a r t N o .
A l l Series
Pinion Shaft
, 19 tooth
• "
, 18
, 20
, 22
D r i v i n g Gear
Ser •ies 37-50 •
37-65, 70
37-75, 85
37-50, 60,
65, 70, 75, 85
10. Removal of Transmission from Car—
Series 37-50, 60, 65, 70, 75 & 85
1. Place car on blocks.
R e m o v e floor boards.
Place j a c k under engine o i l pan near drain
plug, using a wooden block to prevent
to oil pan. See Plate 55, F i g . 17.
4. Disconnect drive shaft at front universal
5. Disconnect transmission extension at engine
rear support.
6. O n series 37-65, 70, 75 a n d 85, disconnect
engine support stabilizer on right hand side of
transmission b y removing p i n at forward end.
7. Disconnect brace
for exhaust
transmission case.
8. Remove cross member that carries engine
rear support.
N o t e : F o u r bolts are used at each e n d o n 37-50
a n d 6 0 cars; t w o a t each e n d o n series
37-65, 70, 75 a n d 85.
9. Disconnect the speedometer cable.
Loosen transmission cap screws and, while
supporting the transmission at the rear end so
that the clutch connection shaft can be kept i n
line i n the clutch hub, slide the transmission back.
A s soon as the transmission has been
moved back enough t o permit access to the d r a i n
hole for the c l u t c h connection shaft bearing, plug
this hole w i t h a , J £ . inch cork to prevent loss of
R e m o v e transmission from car.
Series 37-90—
1. Disconnect front a n d rear universal joints
and remove entire propeller shaft.
R e m o v e front floor boards.
R e m o v e clip holding brake vacuum booster
line to transmission top.
4. Disconnect wire connections and remove
5. R e m o v e clutcn connection from yoke.
6. R e m o v e supporting frame cross member.
7. R e m o v e the front propeller shaft a n d hous-
ing from transmission.
N o t e : Insert s m a l l c o r k i n o i l hole at rear o f
transmission case, t o prevent loss o f trans-
mission l u b r i c a n t w h i l e r e m o v i n g trans-
mission from c a r .
8. R e m o v e all bolts holding transmission to
flywheel housing.
9. R e m o v e the transmission
b y pulling it
straight back u n t i l the clutch connection shaft is
all the way out of the c l u t c h hub. Pilots guide
the transmission during its removal to prevent
springing the clutch discs.
11. Installation of Transmission in Car
T h e procedure to be followed when installing
a transmission i n a 37-series Cadillac or L a S a l l e

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