Radiator; General Description; Service Information; Removing Radiator C A P - Cadillac 1937 LaSalle VVI Information

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General Description
The radiator on all 37-series cars is of all-copper
cellular construction.
T h e water passages are
wide and straight with smooth interiors permitting
free cooling liquid flow a n d efficient cleaning of
the radiator.
F u l l
bonded f i n construction is
employed, w i t h louvres cut in the fins to increase
the heat dissipating capacity.
A one-piece die cast c h r o m i u m plated grille is
used on all 37-series cars, except the V-16.
built-in chromium plated grille is used on series
37-90 cars.
A l l radiators have thermostatically
controlled shutters installed just ahead of the
radiator core.
A pressure-operated vent valve is contained in
the radiator filler cap on all cars.
F l u i d must pass
through this valve in order to reach the overflow
A s a pressure of about 4 lbs. is required to
open this valve, the boiling point of the solution
is raised and there is less likelihood of loss of
cooling solution, particularly volatile anti-freezes.
Service Information
1. R e m o v i n g R a d i a t o r C a p
The radiator cap used on a i l 37-series cars is of
the bayonet type with a safety catch.
T o remove the cap, it is first rotated toward the
left u n t i l the stop is reached.
In this position the
cooling system becomes vented to the atmosphere.
cap should be left in this safety position
u n t i l all pressure or steam has been relieved. T h e
cap is then removed b y further rotation to the
W h e n reinstalling cap, be sure to turn a l l
t h e w a y t o the right.
2. C o o l i n g L i q u i d L e v e l
The cooling system should be filled to a level
approximately one inch below full.
T h i s means
that solution will
be visable just
baffles i n the radiator tank.
In order to avoid
excessive expansion losses, it should not be filled
higher than this level.
3. R a d i a t o r R u s t P r e v e n t i v e
T o
excessive formation of rust and scale, w i t h the
resultant' radiator plugging and heavy solution
losses, some form of rust preventive should be
used the year around.
Cadillac P H - 7 is recom-
mended for this purpose as it gives a triple action
— b o t h
scale formation
retarded and at the same time a cleaning action
takes place.
M o s t inhibitors serve as rust pre-
ventives only, but m a y be used as a substitute for
P H - 7 .
A n y good inhibitor is better than using
none at a l l .
It is important not to- use too m u c h inhibitor
or to use two different types at the same time.
M a n y anti-freeze solutions, particularly the non-
volatile types, contain a rust inhibitor and when
these anti-freezes are used, no other inhibitor
should be added.
4. D r a i n i n g C o o l i n g S y s t e m
T h e location and the number of cooling system
d r a i n plugs in the engines of 37-series
and LaSalle cars are as follows:
The 37-50, 60, 65, 70 and 75 engines have drain
valves at the bottom of each cylinder group and
one below the water pump, all three of which must
be opened to d r a i n the engine completely.
The 37-85 and 90 engines have only one drain
valve, located just below the'water pump.
A l w a y s have the engine hot when draining the
cooling system.
5. C l e a n i n g t h e C o o l i n g S y s t e m
cooling system should be flushed every
6,000 miles to prevent excessive accumulation of
sediment and scale.
Reverse flow flushing with
compressed air and hot water should always be
T o perform this operation, proceed as
1. Disconnect the lower hose from the radiator
and attach the flushing hose to the radiator outlet.
2. A p p l y the water under pressure, but be sure
that the pressure does not exceed 20-25 lbs.
C o n t i n u e the flushing operation u n t i l
water runs clean from the lower hose connection.
In case of severe clogging, the radiator must
be treated w i t h a good cleaner in addition to the
T o do this, add a can of
Cadillac P H - 7 , cover the radiator and
openings and run the engine >at a speed slightly
above idling for 90 minutes and at a temperature
just below actual boiling point.
If P H - 7 is not
available, the above procedure should be repeated
for 30 minutes w i t h a solution to which one pound
of washing soda (sal soda) and two quarts of
kerosene have been added.
This latter .procedure
is especially effective for removing oily grease
accumulation i n the cooling system.
After this
cleaning operation, the radiator should be thor-
oughly flushed i n the usual manner.
There m a y be some instances i n which these
operations will not be sufficient to-clean the radi-
ator thoroughly.
In these cases it will be neces-

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