Removing Connecting Rods; Connecting R O D Bearings; Oil Holes In R O D Bearings; Connecting R O D Alignment - Cadillac 1937 LaSalle VVI Information

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4. R e m o v i n g C o n n e c t i n g R o d s
Series 37-50, 60, 65, 70 a n d 75 connecting rod
and piston assemblies must be removed from the
top of the cylinder blocks because of the compact
design of the crankcase.
A l l 37-series V - 8 rods
are split on an angle to permit withdrawal through
the bores.
Series 37-85, V-12 a n d series 37-90, V - 1 6 con-
necting rod and piston assemblies
should be
removed from b e l o w .
It is not necessary to
take off the cylinder heads to remove the connec-
ting rod and piston assemblies o n these overhead
valve models.
Always inspect the crankshaft journals care-
connecting rods are removed,
because a rough or scored crankpin will result i n
further bearing failure if it is not corrected before
the engine is reassembled.
5. C o n n e c t i n g R o d B e a r i n g s
If connecting rod bearing clearances exceed the.
limits given on page 105, the bearings on V - 8
engines or rods o n V-12 a n d V-16 engines should
be replaced.
N o attempt should be made to
shim or adjust worn bearings.
T h e connecting
rod bearings used in series 37-50, 60, 65, 70 and
75 engines are of the shell-type.
These bearings
are replaceable, and c a n be removed or installed
without removing the piston- and connecting rod
assembly from the engine.
It is necessary only
to remove the connecting rod bearing caps and
replace the bearings.
The connecting rod bearings used in series 37-85
and 37-90 engines are of the spun babbit type.
Replacement of these bearings must be made b y
exchanging the rods.
Exchange should be made
through the factory Parts D i v i s i o n .
Returned rods must be i n proper condition
without burns, scores or file or punch marks,
which would prevent factory reconditioning and
thus disqualify the rods for exchange. Mechanics
should attach numbered metal tags to rods or l a y
them i n trays i n the sequence of' removal or
installation instead
of m a r k i n g them
w i t h
'punch o r file.
6. O i l H o l e s I d e n t i f y U p p e r S h e l l o f V - 8
C o n n e c t i n g R o d B e a r i n g s
• T h e upper and lower halves o f the connecting
rod bearings used in series 37-50, 60, 65, 70 and
75 engines are not interchangeable because of the
holes in the upper bearing for the o i l passages i n
the body of the connecting rod.
Extreme care should be exercised when installing
these connecting rod bearings to make sure that
the upper half is installed i n the t o p of the rod
or no oil will reach the piston pins a n d cylinder
Failure to make the proper installation
may result i n extensive damage to' the engine.
7. C o n n e c t i n g R o d A l i g n m e n t
When straightening connecting rods, the rod is
more liable to hold its shape if it is bent a little
further than necessary and then bent back u n t i l
it is straight.
Otherwise, it m a y return to its
former shape, due to the roughness of the alloy
steel used in its construction.
W h e n checking the alignment of the connecting
rod assembly, both sides of the piston should be
tested b y reversing it o n the alignment
B o t h sides o f the piston should rotate parallel w i t h
the face of the fixture.
T o o l N o . H M - 1 0 9 2 1 4 is
available for m a k i n g these tests.
8. C o n n e c t i n g R o d a n d P i s t o n A s s e m b l y
T h e pistons i n a l l 37-series engines should be
assembled on the rods so that the " T " slot i n
the s k i r t will be o n the left side o f the engine.
W h e n assembling connecting rods to the crank-
shaft be sure that the numbers o n the rods are
toward the bottom of the engine and that they
correspond w i t h the numbers on the caps.
Note: Removal of bearing caps should be made
by first loosening the screws part way,
and then tapping the cap with a hammer
to free the cap from its locating dowel,
before complete disassembly.
T h e lock washers under
the connecting rod
screws are of special design and material. N e w
lock washers must be always used under the
connecting rod bolts i n series 37-50, 60, 65, 70
and 75 engines.
T h e y are available only through
the factory P a r t s D i v i s i o n .
W h e n installing m a i n bearing or connecting
bearing caps on 37 series V - 8 engines, a
wrench' w i t h a handle
no longer than
inches should be used.
A special wrench k i t ,
T o o l N o . J-83 5, is recommended for this opera-
T h e lip soclcet included with this tool should
always be used to avoid any p o s s i b i l i t y of damage
to the caps.
Proper installation of connecting rod bearings
as explained i n N o t e 6, is important.
9. R e m o v a l a n d I n s t a l l a t i o n o f P i s t o n P i n
B u s h i n g s
T h e removal a n d installation of the split-type
piston p i n bushings i n the connecting rods of all
37-series cars requires the use of a k i t of special
T h i s k i t , T o o l N o . H M - 2 5 0 , includes a
bushing replacer, expanding bar, burnishing tool,
and press plate for use on an arbor press.
• • T h e bushing should • be removed i n an . arbor
It should be started b y giving the handle
of the press a sudden jerk instead of a steady pull.
After i t has started it will .move out quite freely.
T h e connecting rod should then be thoroughly
cleaned of all chips and dirt.
T h e bushing cannot be pressed into the con-
necting rod i n the usual manner.
Instead, it is
first forced into the rod and then expanded w i t h a
burnishing bar to press the bronze into.very close
contact w i t h the steel rod, which at the same time
burnishes the bearing, leaving a long hardwearing
bearing surface.
T o install the bushing, proceed as follows:
1. M a k e sure that the oil hole i n the bushing
is i n line w i t h the oil hole i n the rod a n d that the
split is at right angles to the length of the rod.

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