Oce 5250 User Manual page 166

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Serial port
Step size
Stop bit
Synch character
Turn around delay
Vector file
Wiper blade
Océ 5250 user manual
A Remote Control Format file has a file header which con-
tains commands to modify the print attributes such as scale
factor, pen definitions, number of copies, etc.
The number of dots per inch (dpi) that the output device,
such as a printer, produces.
An interface designed to accept data one bit at a time. For
serial data transmission, the transmission protocol, i.e.
baud rate, byte length, stop bits, parity, etc., must be de-
fined before communications can be established so that the
printer can recognize the data it receives from the host.
Aligns the printer and the application input resolution.
In asynchronous transmission mode, a bit that indicates the
end of the data byte being transmitted.
A character placed at the beginning of a data record to no-
tify the printer that the following data is print data, when
using CalComp format.
Tag information file format, a raster format.
The period of time the printer waits without receiving print
data before it considers the print finished.
When using XON/XOFF protocol over the serial port, a de-
lay can be set between the printer XOFF and XON to allow
slower computers the time to process one before receiving
the other.
Consists of mathematically defined elements, such as a line
from A to B, a circle with center and radius, etc. CAD sys-
tems use vector drawings because of their accuracy. Vector
files are relatively small, compared to raster images.
A part of the purge station which cleans excess ink from the
print head as it passes through.
A coded response from the printer to the computer to con-
trol data flow. XON = send more data. XOFF = data buffer
is full.

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