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12. Acti-Feed

Acti-Feed affects the amount of thread fed to the material being embroidered. While much
of Acti-Feed is automated based on sensor feedback, giving Acti-Feed guidelines such as a minimum can help
create higher-quality sewouts.
Feed Chart
This chart helps monitor the feed of thread to the product. It displays the following:
Feed - This is the amount of thread being fed to account for the detected material thickness.
Minimum - Displayed as the lower user-adjustable line. This represents the lowest the Acti-Feed is
allowed to go.
Maximum - Displayed as the upper user-adjustable line. This represents the highest amount the Acti-
Feed is allowed to go without modifiers/effects in the color sequence.
As the machine embroiders, this will show a history of the Acti-Feed. This can be used to help diagnose thread
breaks, false breaks, and sew quality issues. When the minimum is set appropriately on an even material, the
feed activity will only be making minor adjustments. Large adjustments in feed tend to indicate shifts in
material, embroidery, or potential problems.
Bobbin case cleanliness and differences in bobbin tension can affect the Acti-Feed.
The Acti-Feed Minimum sets a lower limit for the Acti-Feed. It allows the machine to adjust the amount of
thread fed as needed, but it will not allow feeding less than the specified amount.
The ideal setting for the minimum is two points less than the actual thickness of the material (and stabilizer)
being sewn.
The Acti-Feed Minimum is displayed as the lower set line in the Feed Chart.


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