Keysight E4428C ESG RF Programming Manual page 296

Signal generators
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Creating and Downloading Waveform Files
Programming Examples
if FID == -1 error('Cannot Open File'); end
[internalWave,n] = fread(FID, 'uint16');% read the IQ file
fclose(FID);% close the file
internalWave = internalWave';
% If on a PC swap the bytes back to Little Endian
if strcmp( computer, 'PCWIN' )
internalWave= bitor(bitshift(internalWave,-8),bitshift(bitand(internalWave,255),8));
% convert unsigned to signed representation
internalWave = double(internalWave);
tmp = (internalWave > 32767.0) * 65536;
iqWave = (internalWave - tmp) ./ 32767;
% De-Interleave the IQ data
IwaveIn = iqWave(1:2:n);
QwaveIn = iqWave(2:2:n);
% Conver from column array to row array
% Put the bytes into the correct order
% and normalize the data
Keysight Signal Generators Programming Guide


Table of Contents

Table of Contents