Programmer Types - Thermo Scientific STF55433 Installation And Operating Manual

Lindberg/blue m 1500c general-purpose tube furnaces
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| Main Controller: 25x500 Segment Programmable
Chapter 7
The End segment can be configured to have an indefinite dwell at the last target setpoint
or to reset to the start of the program or to go to a defined level of power output (SafeOP).
This is selectable by the user.
If a number of program cycles are specified for the program, then the End segment is not
executed until the last cycle has completed.

Programmer Types:

Time to Target Programmer:
Each segment consists of a single duration parameter and a set of target values for the
profiled variables.
1. The duration specifies the time that the segment takes to change the profiled
variables from their current values to the new targets.
2. A dwell type segment is set up by leaving the target setpoint at the previous value.
3. A Step type segment is set up by setting the segment time to zero.
Figure 5 Time to Target Programmer
Ramp rate programmer
A ramp rate programmer specifies it's ramp segments as maximum setpoint changes per
time unit. Each segment can be specified by the operator as Ramp Rate, Dwell or Step.
1. Ramp Rate– The setpoint changes at a rate in units/time.
2. Dwell– The time period is set – there is no need to set the target value as this is
inherited from the previous segment.
3. Step – Specify target setpoint only – the controller will use that setpoint when the
segment is reached.
Figure 6 Ramp Rate Programmer
1500°C Tube Furnace


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