Seq. Build; Random Build; Remote; From Tape - Cablescan 4000C Instruction Manual

Continuity tester
Table of Contents


Model 4000C Instruction Manual

Seq. Build

The SEQ BUILD (Sequential Build) switch is selected when a specific assembly sequence must
be followed. In this mode, the display will sequentially show the FROM/TO points to be
connected. As the proper termination of a pair of points has been completed, the display will
advance to the next pair. Body conductance (wrist strap) is used in selecting the proper wire
from a bundle. The CRT/Keyboard is used to program the desired assembly sequence.

Random Build

The RANDOM BUILD switch is selected when the sequence of assembly is not important. In
this mode, the probe or body conductance (wrist strap) is used to identify and locate the wire
touched by the operator. When a wire is touched the display shows the wire touched and the
termination point. When the wire is properly terminated, a tone sounds, the display clears, and
the next wire may be selected.


The REMOTE switch causes control to shift from the Control Head to the operational
CRT/Keyboard. Control may be immediately transferred back to the Control Head by pressing
any other switch on the Control Head; the operation selected will be executed.

From Tape

This mode is for EHT-4000B user and is not a Model 4000C mode. This enables a Control Head
from an EHT-4000B to be used on the Model 4000C to load tapes and then save to floppy.

Known Good

With a known good harness, cable, or circuit connected to the Tester, and the ENABLE
keyswitch actuated, pressing the KNOWN GOOD switch causes a scan of all test points to find
all continuities. The continuity program is used with the test, assembly, and print modes. The
program may be saved to floppy for future use. Changes may be made to the program using the
built-in program editor and the optional CRT/Keyboard.

Menu Run

The MENU RUN key executes the menu mode that has been selected by the Up/Down arrows
and shown on the display. The MENU RUN key is also used as an advance key within menu

Up/Down Arrows

The Up and Down arrows are used to select modes from the menu. The Up arrow is used to
advance toward the top of the menu, and the Down arrow is used for advancing toward the
bottom. These arrows are also used to scroll through the disk directory when loading from the
floppy disk. Each time the Up or Down arrow is pressed, the display shows the mode name
arrived at.
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents