Cannot Retrieve Data From Internal Recorder; Velocity Data Appears Noisy Or Unreasonable; Recovery Mode - Xylem SonTek FlowTracker2 User Manual

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b) If using Bluetooth connection,
i). Verify the PC's Bluetooth function is turned on and enabled.
ii). In the FlowTracker2 software, ensure the instrument serial number is typed in
correctly, in the "Connect" dialog box.
iii). Ensure the FlowTracker2 and PC is within nominal range of each other (10m
or 32.8 ft). If possible, decrease the distance between the FlowTracker2 and
iv). Verify the PC's Bluetooth is functioning correctly by communicating with a
different Bluetooth device.
v). If communication is still unsuccessful use a different PC.

Cannot Retrieve Data from Internal Recorder

• Verify through the FlowTracker2 handheld screen that the data files are present on
the recorder.
• Ensure you are waiting an adequate amount of time for the download to complete.
Download times can vary with computer hardware.

Velocity Data Appears Noisy or Unreasonable

If the velocity data from the FlowTracker2 do not seem reasonable, the following list may
help establish the cause.
a) Lack of scattering material in the water is the most common problem (particularly
in large laboratory tanks). See the FlowTracker2 Principles of Operation for details
about seeding requirements.
b) Run Beam Check as described in
FlowTracker2 operation, in particular, signal strength (scattering/seeding issues)
and probe operation.
c) Inspect the FlowTracker2 to be sure debris is not fouling the probe.
d) Verify the FlowTracker2 mounting is stable and that instrument motion is not
causing noise in the velocity data.
e) Consider any possible environmental influences, particularly flow interference
from underwater structures or obstacles.
f) Consider the measurement environment. Highly turbulent or highly aerated water
will greatly affect FlowTracker2 operation. In highly aerated water, the
FlowTracker2 may not be able to operate reliably.
g) Consider the orientation of the probe with respect to the flow direction to be sure
the probe is not causing flow interference in the sampling volume.

Recovery Mode

The FlowTracker2 handheld software has a "recovery" feature that is used in case the
software becomes non-operational. Several precautions have been taken during the
FlowTracker2 User's Manual (January 2019)
Check. This can address all aspects of
SonTek – a Xylem brand


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