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Fuel identification
Sticker on the tank cap (identification
Fig. 301
of the fuel)
Fuels are identified with different symbols.
Depending on the fuel, the different symbols
are on the pump and the tank lid of your vehi-
cle. The identification serves to prevent con-
fusion when choosing the fuel.
Petrol with ethanol ("E" stands for Etha-
nol). The number indicates the percent-
age of ethanol in the petrol. "E5" means,
for example, an ethanol ratio of 5% max.
Diesel with biodiesel ("B" stands for Bio-
diesel). The number indicates the per-
Depending on country
Follow the regulations of the country you are
driving in.
centage of biodiesel in the diesel. "B7"
means, for example, a proportion of bio-
diesel of max. 7%.
Natural gas: "CNG" means Compressed
Natural Gas.
Type of petrol
3 Applies to vehicles: with petrol engine
The correct grade of petrol is listed inside the
fuel tank flap.
The vehicle is equipped with a catalytic con-
verter and must only be run on unleaded
petrol. The petrol must comply with the
standard EN 228 and be sulphur-free. Fuels
with a 10% ethanol ratio can be refuelled
by using the octane numbers (RON) or via
the anti-knock index (AKI).
The following pieces of text show the infor-
mation included in the corresponding stickers
on the tank lid (examples):
Practical tips
. The types of petrol are differentiated
Super unleaded petrol 95 octane petrol or
normal 91 octane petrol at least
We recommend refuelling with super 95 oc-
tane petrol (91 AKI). If not available: normal 91
octane petrol (87 AKI) (with a slight power
Super unleaded petrol, 95 octanes at
You should use super 95 octane petrol (91
AKI) at least.
If super is not available, if necessary, use nor-
mal 91 octane petrol (87 AKI). In this case only
use moderate engine speeds and a light
throttle. Refuel with super as soon as possi-
Unleaded super plus 98 octane petrol or
super 95 octane petrol at least
We recommend refuelling with super plus 98
octane petrol (93 AKI). If not available: super
95 octane petrol (91 AKI) (with a slight power
If super is not available, if necessary, use nor-
mal 91 octane petrol (87 AKI). In this case only
use moderate engine speeds and a light


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