Identification node with children that specify the Cisco TelePresence Management Suite (TMS) is used as TMS codec from which the notification originated. This means that uses this feedbackslot to register its expressions. you can handle multiple codecs with a single HTTP server URI.
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Use the Audio Input Line [n] VideoAssociation VideoInputSource setting to define which video If you are connecting a Cisco camera with an integrated microphone to the codec's HDMI input, you source to associate the audio source with. Use the Audio Input Line [n] VideoAssociation can enable/disable audio input on the port;...
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Range: The value must be between 0 and 100. The values from 1 to 100 correspond to the range All Cisco Precision cameras support both anti-flickering and auto detection of line frequency. Auto is from -34.5 dB to 15 dB (0.5 dB steps). The value 0 means that the audio is switched off.
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By setting the Gamma Level you can select which gamma correction table to use. This setting may This setting applies only when using a Cisco TelePresence PrecisionHD 1080p12x camera. be useful in difficult lighting conditions, where changes to the brightness setting does not provide If adjusting the camera position by hand you can configure whether the camera should keep its new satisfactory results.
Conference [1..1] ActiveControl Mode Requires user role: ADMIN Active control is a feature that allows conference participants to administer a conference on Cisco Value space: <Off/On> TelePresence Server using the video system's interfaces (not available from the TRC5 remote control and on-screen display).
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H323: All calls are set up as H.323 calls. Sip: All calls are set up as SIP calls. H320: All calls are set up as H.320 calls (only applicable if connected to a Cisco TelePresence ISDN Link gateway). Example: xConfiguration Conference 1 DefaultCall Protocol: Auto SX20 Codec API Reference Guide TC7.3, OCTOBER 2015.
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(MCU). If registered to a Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) version 8.6.2 or newer, the video system can use either the CUCM conference bridge, or the video system's own built-in MultiSite feature.
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Format: A valid IPv6 address. be set manually using the Provisioning ExternalManager Address setting. If the Network VLAN Voice Mode setting is Auto and the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) assigns an Example: xConfiguration Network 1 IPv6 Address: "2001:0DB8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:000 ID to the voice VLAN, then a request for option 150 will always be sent. That is, the Network DHCP 2"...
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Network [1..1] VLAN Voice Mode 10half: Force link to 10 Mbps half-duplex. Set the VLAN voice mode. The VLAN Voice Mode will be set to Auto automatically if you have Cisco 10full: Force link to 10 Mbps full-duplex. UCM (Cisco Unified Communications Manager) as provisioning infrastructure. Note that Auto mode will NOT work if the NetworkServices CDP Mode setting is Off.
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NetworkServices CDP Mode Value space: <1..4094> Enable or disable the CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) daemon. Enabling CDP will make the endpoint report certain statistics and device identifiers to a CDP-enabled switch. If CDP is disabled, the Range: Select a value between 1 and 4094.
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Authority (CA). This requires that a list of trusted CAs are uploaded to the system in advance. Example: xConfiguration NetworkServices HTTPS VerifyServerCertificate: Off xConfiguration NetworkServices Medianet Metadata Switch On or Off the capability to tag media flows with metadata related to the Cisco Medianet xConfiguration NetworkServices HTTPS VerifyClientCertificate deployment.
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SNMP Agent in the codec. The default password is "public". If Requires user role: ADMIN you have the Cisco TelePresence Management Suite (TMS) you must make sure the same SNMP Community is configured there too. NOTE: The SNMP Community password is case sensitive.
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NetworkServices CTMS Mode Value space: <Off/On> This setting determines whether or not to allow multiparty conferences controlled by a Cisco Off: UPnP is disabled. The video system does not advertise its presence, and you have to enter TelePresence Multipoint Switch (CTMS).
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Peripherals Pairing CiscoTouchPanels RemotePairing xConfiguration Phonebook Server [1..1] ID In order to use Cisco Touch 10 (touch controller) as user interface for the video system, Touch 10 Enter a name for the external phone book. must be paired to the video system via the network (LAN). This is referred to as remote pairing.
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Auto: The provisioning server will automatically be selected by the video system. GET: Select GET when the provisioning server supports GET. TMS: The video system will be configured using TMS (Cisco TelePresence Management System). POST: Select POST when the provisioning server supports POST.
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Provisioning ExternalManager AlternateAddress Format: String with a maximum of 64 characters. Only applicable when the endpoint is provisioned by Cisco Unified Communication Manager Example: xConfiguration Provisioning ExternalManager Domain: "" (CUCM) and an alternate CUCM is available for redundancy. Enter the address of the alternate CUCM.
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Thus the shortest route for audio and video is always Example: xConfiguration SIP Profile Turn DiscoverMode: On secured between the endpoints. NOTE: ICE is not supported when registered to CUCM (Cisco Unified Communication Manager).
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Requires user role: ADMIN Value space: <Standard/Cisco> Value space: <Off/On> Standard: Use this when registering to standard SIP Proxy (tested with Cisco TelePresence VCS Off: Connect to the single proxy configured first in Proxy Address list. and Broadsoft) On: Set up multiple outbound connections to servers in the Proxy Address list. A random proxy is Cisco: Use this when registering to Cisco Unified Communication Manager.
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Standby configuration xConfiguration SIP Profile [1..1] Line When registered to a Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) the endpoint may be part of a shared line. This means that several devices share the same directory number. The different devices sharing the same number receive status from the other appearances on the line as defined xConfiguration Standby Control in RFC 4235.
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DVI sources expects full quantization range. experimental Cisco Proximity feature. The devices must be in the same room as the video system. It will not be possible to take and see snapshots on the web interface or by using 3rd party Requires user role: ADMIN integrations.
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The codec can be enabled for Cyrillic input characters in the menus on screen. Requires that Video This requires that the system is bookable by an external booking system, like for example the Cisco OSD InputMethod Cyrillic is set to On.
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Select a background image (wallpaper) for the video screen when idle. The Experimental settings are for testing only and should not be used unless agreed with Cisco. You may upload a custom wallpaper to the video system using the web interface. The following file These settings are not documented and WILL change in later releases.
Duration: Set how long (in seconds) the text line is to be displayed on the screen. If set to 0 (zero) Note: Does not apply for the Cisco PrecisionHD cameras. the text line is displayed until a xCommand Message TextLine Clear command has been sent.
Lists all currently and previously connected peripherals. Start device discovery to detect ISDN Links in the same network. Note: Does not apply for the Cisco PrecisionHD cameras. AutoPairing: You can select to automatically pair the detected device to the endpoint.
ID(r): <S: 1, 100> You can add several contact methods to a contact using the xCommand Phonebook ContactMethod Add command. Note that only the first contact method will appear in the Favorites list on the Cisco Example: TelePresence Touch controller. All contact methods are available in the API, on the web interface xCommand Peripherals Purge ID:
You can add several contact methods to a contact. Note that only the first contact method will appear in the Favorites list on the Cisco TelePresence Touch controller. The first contact method Requires user role: USER may have been created when issuing the xCommand Phonebook Contact Add command to make the contact.
Set a menu password to restrict access to Administrator Settings menu. If you have a remote List all option keys that have been added to the system. Added in TC7.3.3. control the password can also be set from the on screen menu. If you have a Cisco TelePresence Requires user role: ADMIN Touch controller the menu password is set from the command line interface.
Video Selfview Set Sets self-view on/off and specifies its size and position. If the parameter is not specified, current The Experimental commands are for testing only and should not be used unless agreed with Cisco. value is used. These commands are not documented and WILL change in later releases.
Appendices Camera status xStatus Call [n] DeviceType Indicates whether the remote system is a single endpoint or an MCU. Some Cisco endpoints (EX90, C40, C60, C90, SX20, SX80, MX200 G2, MX300 G2) have built-in MCU capabilities. xStatus Camera Value space of the result returned: Shows the top level overview of the camera status.
Conference Site [n] BlackScreenCause xStatus Conference Site [n] BookingId Shows the reason why the screen is black while in a CTMS (Cisco TelePresence Multipoint Switch) Shows the booking ID of a conference (if assigned). The booking ID can be used for easy managed conference.
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Peripherals ConnectedDevice [n] Status ** end Shows peripheral devices that are currently connected to the endpoint. Note: Does not apply for the Cisco PrecisionHD cameras. xStatus Peripherals ConnectedDevice [n] ID Value space of the result returned: Shows the MAC-address of the connected device.
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Timeout: The attempt to establish communication to the SIP Proxy timed out. register to is included in the codec’s trusted CA-list. The server is typically a Cisco VCS or CUCM. UnableTCP: The system is unable to use TCP as the transport method.
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Shows whether or not the SSL certificate of the server that the video system / codec tries to ** end register to is included in the codec’s trusted CA-list. The server is typically a Cisco VCS or CUCM. True: The server’s SIP certificate is checked against the trusted CA-list on the codec and found xStatus SIP Profile 1 CallForward Mode valid.
Button codes - Remote control 5 Button codes - Remote control 5 Address Button name Address Button name The Cisco TelePresence Remote Control 5 has the following button codes and IR signal parameters. Arrow left Number 1 Arrow right Number 2...
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