Abbreviations - BELGACOM Belgafax 710 User Manual

Table of Contents


USB Connection: Additional de-
vices can be connected to the USB
port (Universal Serial Bus) of the
multifunction machine. One dif-
ferentiates between high-power and
low-power connections. High-power
devices are also supplied with power
through the USB port; they do not
have their own power supply. Low-
power devices receive power from their
own power supply, the do not need
power from the USB port. You can
only connect one high-power device
and no more than two low-power de-
vices to your multifunction machine at
a time.
WEP Standard (Static Encryption):
Your multifunction machine supports
the WEP standard: All devices in the
network use the same encryption. The
following types of WEP encryption
can be used in the network: 64-bit
(max. ten characters) and 128-bit
(max. 26 characters).
Wireless Adapter: Internal or exter-
nal transceiver on a device.
WLAN: Grouping of at least two com-
puters, printers and other devices that
are connected via radio waves. Re-
quirement: All participating devices
must have a wireless adapter.


bps: Bits per second (transmission
CCITT: Comite Consultatif Interna-
tional Telephonique et Telegraphique
(predecessor of ITU)
CE: Conformité Européenne
CEPT: Conference Européenne des
Administrations des Postes et des Télé-
communications (association of postal
service administrations)
CLIP: Calling Line Identification Pres-
entation (see Identification Presenta-
CLIR: Calling Line Identification Re-
striction (telephone number suppres-
sion)—see Identification Presentation
CNG: Calling Signal (see CNG Tone)
DCF: Design Rule for Camera File Sys-
DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration
dpi: Dots per Inch (see Resolution)
DTMF: Dual Tone Multiple Frequency
(see Tone Dialling)
DPOF: Direct Print Order Format
E.C.M.: Error Correction Mode
EXIF: Exchangable Image File
GAP: Generic Access Profile (radio pro-
tocol for cordless handsets)
HCRP: Hardcopy Cable Replacement
IrDA: Infrared Data Association
ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Net-
ITU: International Telecommunications
Union (UN organisation)
JPG (JPEG): Joint Photography Expert
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display
LED: Light Emitting Diode
MH: Modified Huffmann (encoding
process for faxes, see Encoding)
MHC: Modified Huffmann Code (en-
coding process for faxes, see Encod-
MMR: Modified Modified Read (encod-
ing process for faxes, see Encoding)
MR: Modified Read (encoding process
for faxes, see Encoding
MRC: Modified Read Code (encoding
process for faxes, see Encoding)
OBEX: Object Exchange Protocol (In-
frared protocol)
OCR: Optical Character Recognition
PABX/PBX: Private Automatic Branch
POTS: Plain Old Telephone Service
(analogue telephone service with low
transmission speed)
PSTN: Public Switched Telephone Net-
RAM: Random Access Memory
RJ-11: Registered Jack 11 (also called
Western plug, standardised telephone
SMS: Short Message Service
SSID: Service Set ID (network authen-
TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol
over Internet Protocol
TWAIN: Tool Without An Interesting
Name (standard for scanner drivers)
USB: Universal Serial Bus (computer
WEP: Wired Equivalent Privacy (net-
work encryption)
WLAN: Wireless Local Area Network


Table of Contents

Table of Contents