Verilink DIDCSU 2912 Manual page 104

Dual integrated data service unit/channel service unit
Table of Contents


bipolar violations 3-23
Cyclic Redundancy Check 3-23, 4-21
displaying 3-23, 4-21
Extended Superframe Format 3-23
FEBE 4-21
Frame Bit Error 3-23, 4-21
HDB3V 4-21
counter menu 3-23, 4-21
resetting 3-23, 4-21, 4-24
CRC 3-23, 4-21
CRC-6 3-22
crosspoint switch 1-3
CTS 3-17, 4-15
Cyclic Redundancy Check 3-22
Data Carrier Detect 3-17, 4-15
Data Circuit-terminating Equipment 3-16, 4-14
data port
configuration menu 3-14, 4-12
configuring 3-14, 4-9, 4-12
diagnostics menu 3-21, 4-18, 4-19
data port loopback 3-21, 4-19
Data Set Ready 3-16, 4-14
Data Terminal Equipment 3-16, 4-14
DCE 3-16, 4-14
DCE Mode Adapter Cables 1-8
default thresholds 3-27, 4-24
Degraded Minutes 3-25
delete circuits 3-32, 4-29
diagnostics 3-18, 4-15
menu 3-18, 4-15
displaying alarm buffers 3-27, 3-29, 3-30, 4-24,
displaying counters 3-23, 4-21
DM 3-25
DPL 3-21, 4-19
DSR 3-16, 4-14
DTE 3-16, 4-14
E1 CIMs 1-6, 1-8
E1 configuration menu 4-7
E1 Digital transmission facilities 1-1
E1 port configuration
menu 4-7
edit circuits 3-31, 4-29
Error Free Seconds 3-25
Errored Seconds 3-24, 3-29, 4-26
Errored Seconds Type A 3-25
ES 3-24, 3-27, 3-29, 4-22, 4-24, 4-26
ESF 3-23
Extented Superframe Format
counters 3-23
FE 3-23, 3-25, 4-21
FEBE 4-21
Frame Alignments Error Signal 4-22
Frame Bit Error 3-25
counters 3-23, 4-21
HDB3V 4-21
humidity 1-10
manufacturing 3-32, 4-30
input voltage range 1-10
INV ST 3-16, 4-14
Inverted Serial Transmit 3-16, 4-14
Line Loopback 3-19, 4-17
list circuits 3-31, 4-29
LLB 3-19, 4-17
LLB BOP 3-20
Local Loopback 3-19, 4-17
LOF 3-22, 3-24, 3-27, 3-28, 4-22, 4-24, 4-26
loopbacks 1-2
data port 3-21, 4-19
Line Loopback 3-19, 4-17
LLB BOP 3-20
Local Loopback 3-19, 4-17
Payload Loopback 3-19, 4-17
PLB BOP 3-20
LOS 3-16, 3-22, 3-24, 3-27, 3-28, 4-14, 4-22, 4-24,
Loss-of-Frame 3-22, 3-24, 4-8, 4-22
Loss-of-Frame Counts 3-25
Loss-of-Frame Threshold 3-28, 4-26
Loss-of-Signal 3-16, 3-22, 3-24, 4-8, 4-14, 4-22
Loss-of-Signal Threshold 3-28, 4-26
alarms 3-27, 4-24
manufacturing info 3-32, 4-30
alarm threshold configuration 3-28, 4-25
alarm threshold status 3-26, 4-23
circuit build configuration 2-9, 2-19, 3-31, 4-28
configuration 3-11, 4-9
configuring data port 3-14, 4-12
configuring E1 4-7
configuring T1 3-6
counter 3-23, 4-21
data port diagnostics 3-21, 4-18, 4-19
diagnostics 3-18, 4-15
Verilink DIDCSU 2912 User Manual


Table of Contents

Table of Contents