About; Setup - Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual

32-bit computer
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Fa/con030 Owner's Manual
To select an option, pos i t ion the poi nter over the Options menu. Then c l ick the
mouse button. The Options menu displ ays. Move the poi nter until the desired
option highl ights . C l ick the mouse button to select the h ighl ighted option .
Whenever you open a Control Panel o r CPX w i ndow , you are usual ly given the
fol lowing options : S ave, O K , or Cance l . C l i c k i ng on the close w i ndow box is the
same as selecting OK and then c losi ng the Control Panel .
Selecting Save pl aces the currently d isplayed setti ng i nformation i n a fi le o n the
startup disk. Your Atari computer reads this file duri ng startup and load in the
saved setti ngs. Select OK if you j ust w ish to change a setti ng for one session. The
Control Panel wi ndow closes, and the changes remain i n e ffect only until you
switch off your computer. The most recently saved set t i ngs w i l l be in effect then
next time you sw i tch on the computer.
Selecting Cancel al ways returns you to the mairi Control Panel w i ndow .

About. . .

When you select About, Control Panel i n formation (such as version n umber and
copyright date ) displays .

Setup . . .

You can use the Setup di alog box to change a CPX's status ( active/inact i ve ) ,
reload CPXs w ithout restarti ng your computer, set t h e amount of memory
reserved for basic CPX i n formation, and des ignate a CPX directory path. You can
also use the calendar and c lock to set the computer's t ime and date.
A Guided Tou r of the Desktop


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