Muititos; The Advantages Of Multitos - Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual

32-bit computer
Table of Contents




M u ltiTOS i s Atari ' s exclusive multitasking environment. A multitasking
environment can run a number of programs simultaneously, which makes i t more
powerful and exciting to use than a conventional operating environment ( more on
this l ater) . Incorporating a l ist of features unparal leled by any other operating
system, M u l tiTOS i s a completely new and i nnovative way of interfacing with your
Atari computer.
The Advantages of M u ltiTOS
Using M u l tiTOS , you can u s e your computer and programs more efficiently. For
example, if you initiate a time-consuming process, such as a fil e compression
routine, you can run a word processor and type a letter, while the file compression
routine carries on in the background.
M u ltiTOS has an i nherent set of advantages over other multitasking operating
environments. For example, M u l tiTOS accompl ishes true pre-emptive multitasking,
dynamic prioritization, and memory protection.
M u ltiTOS ' s pre-emptive multitasking allows your computer to simultaneously run
programs that were not origina ll y designed to mu ltitask. Where other multitaski ng
environments force the user to manuall y allocate and reallocate system resources,
M u ltiTOS dynamical ly prioritizes system resources for each appl i cation.
Part II:
Using the Desktop


Table of Contents

Table of Contents