Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual page 188

32-bit computer
Table of Contents


Falcon 030 Owner's Manual
video d i s p l ay
use to communicate.
warmstart (warm-boot)
the back of the computer or pressing [ Control ] [Alt ] [Delete ] . A warmstart only
partially i n it ial izes the system. (Compare Coldstart . )
to specify the search criterion. ? 'feplaces one character; * 'replaces all characters to
the end of the first name or extension.
wi ndow
run programs. Multiple w i ndows can be open on the desktop at one time.
written to. To write-protect a disk, move the write-protect tab so you can see
through the notch.
1 2
A dev ice conta i n i n g a v ideo screen that you and your computer
Rebooting the computer by pressing the Reset button on
A question mark ( ? ) o r asterisk ( * ) character used i n a fi le specification
The work area that the computer u se s to d i splay files and folders or to
To mechan i c a l l y prevent a d i sk from be ing formatted, erased, or


Table of Contents

Table of Contents