Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual page 182

32-bit computer
Table of Contents


i nformation l i n e
The l ine at the top of a d i rectory w i ndow i mmediately be low
the move bar, tel l ing how many bytes are used by the items l isted i n the directory,
and how many items there are.
i n itial ize
To set the computer to its starting configuration.
i n put/output ( 1 /0)
computer and a peripheral device such as a disk drive or printer. Input is
information the computer rece ives ( that is, it is sent i n ) ; output is i n formation the
computer transmits ( that is, it i s sent out).
i nterface
A n e lectron i c c o n n e c t i o n that a l l o w s c o m m u n i c a t i o n between the
computer and a peripheral.
1 ,024 bytes of data. ( See Byte . )
laser pri nter
A high-speed, high-resol ution printer that electrophotograph ical l y
produces an i mage on paper. The Atari S L M804 i s a laser printer.
mega byte
1 ,024 k i l obytes of data. The abbre v i at i on for megabyte i s M B . ( See
kilobyte . )
The i nternal o r e xternal med i a that the computer uses t o store data and
programs. There are two kinds of computer memory: RAM ( Random Access
Memory) and ROM ( Read-Only M emory ) . RAM loses i ts data i f the power is
turned off; ROM retai ns its i nformation whether the computer has power or not.
menu bar
A bar at the top of the desktop. When you first start up your system , the
headings on the menu bar are Desk, File, View, and Options. Other appl ication
programs may have different head i ngs in the menu bar.
A s t a n d a rd i n te rface d e s i g n ed to c o n n e c t a c o m p u t e r to a n u mb e r of
electronic musical dev ices. M I D I is an acronym for M usical I n strument Digital
The com m u n i c a t i o n proc e s s that takes p l ace between the


Table of Contents

Table of Contents