Close Directory; Close Top Window; Bottom To Top; Select All Items - Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual

32-bit computer
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Note: Certain characters cannot be used within a folder name or extension.
For a list of illegal characters, see Files and Filenames in Chapter 5, Desktop
Close Di rectory
The C lose D i rectory command c loses the top level of the active w indow. For
example, l et ' s say the top w indow i s a folder w i ndow, and that folder res ides i n
the m a i n d i rectory of drive C . W h e n y o u select Close Directory, t h e folder's
w indow closes, and t he main d i rectory w indow d i splays.
Note: You can also close a directory by selecting the close box in the window's
upper left corner.

Close Top Window

The C lose Top W indow command completely closes the top w i ndow, i n c l uding
all levels of folder w i ndows and the m a i n d i rectory w indow. If w i ndows from
other floppy disks or logical drives are open on the desktop, the most recently
opened w i ndow becomes the active w i ndow.

Bottom to Top

The B ottom to Top command i s u sefu l when you have multiple, overlapping
w indows displayed on the desktop. When you select this command, B ottom to
Top brings the bottom w i ndow to the top of the stack and displays it as the active
w indow. The current top w indow is sent to the bottom of the stack.
Sel ect Al l Items
The Select A l l Items command selects a l l fi les a n d folders i n the top window (see
Note ) . The fi les and folders that are h i dden, but would be shown by scroll ing, are
also selected. However, files that are in the directory but do not match the file
mask parameters are not selected. ( See
Using the Desktop
Set File Mask
in this chapter. )
A Gu ided Tour of the Desktop


Table of Contents

Table of Contents