Advanced Setup Options, 4-3 - Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual

32-bit computer
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3 .
Select the desired CPX by positioning your pointer over the name of the CPX and cl icking,
The CPX high l ights, and the appropriate operation appears i n the Move box ,
Note: You can select multiple CPXs for the move CPXs operation. Use shift­
clicking or rubber banding to highlight more than one CPX. If you use rubber
handing, the ruhher band box lVill not actually appear, but it still works the
same way.
Select the operation by clicking in the Move box.
If you have transferred a CPX from i nactive to active statu s, you must reload before
you can use the CPX. To Reload CPXs, fol l ow these steps :
1 . Open the Control Panel . Select Set u p from the
2. Select Reload CPX. When the confirmati on dial og box appears, select OK.
Advanced Setup Options
Setting t h e M inimum N umber of S lots and t h e C P X Directory Path are advanced
features of the Setup dialog box. You w i l l probabl y use these options i n freq uently.
Minimum Num ber Of Slots
CPXs are stored i n an external memory device ( h ard disk or floppy d i s k ) . During
startup or reloadi ng, only basic i n formation about each active CPX ( such as the
CPX ' s name and icon) i s l oaded i nto R A M , When you actual l y open an acti ve CPX,
the bulk of the file is then loaded i nto RAM so you can use the CPX. When you c l ose
the CPX , the fil e i s erased from RAM until the next time you open i t
Note: CPXs with Resident status do not follow the above pattern , bllt are copied into
RAM at startup time.
Part Jr' Using the Desktop
A Gu ided Tour of the Desktop


Table of Contents

Table of Contents