Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual page 178

32-bit computer
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B ooting the computer by sw itch i ng the power off and on or p re s s i ng
[Control ] [ Al t ] [ Right Shift ] [ Delete ] . A coldstart can be initiated while the
computer is runni ng by switching off the power for
back on. A coldstart complete l y i n i t ial izes the system. ( Compare to warmstart. )
confi g u re
T o c u s t o m i ze the c o m p u ter system t o your prefe re nces b y set t i ng
colors, baud rate, confirmation, and so on.
control panel
A desk acces sory used t o a l te r and set m a n y of the s y s te m ' s
features and options, such as the color palette, mouse and keyboard response, and
the cIock/calendar.
A command used to duplicate the information in a file, folder, or disk.
cu rrent directory
The directory currently displayed in a w i ndow, as specified by
the pathname i n the move bar.
cu rsor
A marker that appears on the screen to indi cate the pos i t i on of the next
action. Text cursors are usually e ither a bl inking block or a solid vertical line. The
mouse pointer is sometimes called a cursor.
d a i sywheel p r i nter
characters against a ribbon and onto the paper.
data file
A col lection of i nformation used by an appl ication. Data fi le icons l ook
l ike sheets of paper with one folded corner.
defa u lt
A value, opt ion, or setting that the computer automatically selects u n t i l
you direct it otherw ise. For example, items o n the desktop are shown a s icons, by
default, unless you change the option in the View menu.
desk accessory
A n application loaded i nto memory from the startup d i sk when
you switch on your computer. Desk accessories can be accessed either directly from
the desktop or from an appl ication that uses the menu bar format. Desk accessory
files are ident ified by the . ACC extension.
A type of p r i n ter t h a t u s e s a rotat i n g whee l to i m pact
seconds, then switching it


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Table of Contents