Serial Port Selector; Baud Rate; Parity - Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual

32-bit computer
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Serial Port Selecto r
The Serial Port Selector allows you to te l l the computer which of the avai lable serial
ports to recogn i ze as active. Select the port you are u s i ng for the connected modem.

Baud Rate

B aud rate is the speed at which data i s transmitted. Baud, the standard u n i t measure of
tran smission speed, i s the number of signal elements per second . The fastest rate
avai l able to you i s 1 9,200 baud; the sl owest is 50 baud. Set the baud rate to
accommodate both your modem and the remote computer's modem. (The baud rate
for bulletin board systems is usually l i sted along with the phone n u mber for the
board . )
T o set t h e baud rate, position t h e pointer over t h e Baud Rate box. C l i c k once and a
pop-u p appears. Use the up and down arrows to scro l l through the baud rate
selections. When the desired baud rate displays, move the poin ter to highlight the
desired rate. C l i c k the mouse button to select the highl ighted rate.


Whenever computers transmit data through telephone l i nes, there is a chance that
some of the i nformation w i l l become garbled due to imperfections and noise within
the l ines. Parity i s a error checking procedure that computers u se to exam i ne
i nformation and determ i ne w hether data was c leanly tran smitted.
The parity bit is added to a group of bits to make the total n umber of bits transmitted
odd or even . Transmi ssion errors can be identified w hen the number of bits in a group
does not match the parity chosen (odd or even ) . Depending on the modem and the
remote dev ice, you w i l l choose e ither None, Odd, or Even parity. ( Refer to the manual
your modem for
ecific information .)
A Gu ided Tour of the Desktop
Part 1/: Using the Desktop


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