Connecting Peripheral Devices; Connecting A Scsi Device - Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual

32-bit computer
Table of Contents


1 .
With the com p uter turned off, i nsert the work ing co p y of the Language d i s k into
S w itch on any p eri p herals attached to the system.
S w itch on the system.
Note: If you are booting the computer from the Language disk and the desktop fails
to appear, shut down the computer. Make sure the disk is correctly inserted in drive
A , and all cables are properly and securely connected. Start the system again. If the
desktop still fails to appear, see
Co n n ecti n g Peri p h e ral Devi ces
Peripheral devices ( e . g . , printers, external hard d i sks, etc . ) announce their
presence to the computer by sending electron ic s ignals. In some cases, peripheral
dev ices share memory with the computer. In general, you should connect and
switch on all peripheral devices before booting up your computer. U s i ng t h i s
procedure ensures that a l l t h e connected peripheral devices i n i t i a l i ze properly.
i n the fol lowing sect ion for more i n formation on connecting
peripheral devices.
Con necting a S C S I Device
The SCSI ( p ronounced
manufacturers and is employed by many different types of dev ices.
Use the following steps to connect a SCSI device:
1 .
S h ut down the com p uter and all p eri p herals.
Connect one end of the SCSI dev ice's interface cable to the p ort labeled S C S I I I on
the back p anel of the com p uter.
Connect the other end of the i nterface cable to the p ort on the SCSI device.
Note: The cable required may di f f
Appendix C, Troubleshooting and Maintenance.
data transfer protocol is popul ar among peri pheral
Part I: Getting Started
The Falcon030
1 -9


Table of Contents

Table of Contents