Moving A Window; The Top Window - Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual

32-bit computer
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Falcon030 Owner's Manual
You can i ncrease or decrease the l ine segments of the object by pressing a
n umber key on the keypad. Try press i ng the number keys unt i l you find a shape
that you l ike.
There are other ways of contro l l i n g the L i nes program , w h ich you w i l l l earn
about l ater.
If you select the Fu l l box agai n . The w indow returns to the most recent size and
position. Con t inue to practice s i z i ng the w indow. Drag the s ize box down towards
the bottom of the screen to lengthen the w i ndow, up to shorten the w i ndow, right
to w iden it, or left to narrow it. When you have fi n i shed prac t i c i ng, leave the
w indow open for the next e xerc i se.
Movi ng a Window
You can use the move bar to move a w indow to any screen posi t i o n below the
menu bar.
F i rst, position the pointer over the shaded move bar. Drag the w i ndow to a new
posi tion on the screen, then release the mouse button. The window d i splays i n i t s
new pos i tion.
Let ' s work w i t h the Lines program some more. S tart w i th the shape you made i n
t h e prev ious exercise. N o w add more shapes b y press i ng
want fewer shapes press [ f ] . Finally, press [+] to bri ng the shapes c loser together,
or press [ - ] to split the shapes further apart . Press [ C l r Home] if you want L i nes
to erase the l i ne s as they move along. When you ' re done , c lose the L i nes w i ndow
by c l icking on the C lose box .
The Top Wi ndow
When you have more than one w indow open at a t i me, the w i ndow i n fron t is the
top w i ndow. You can identify which w indow is the top w indow by l ooking at the
move bar. Only the top w i ndow ' s move bar is shaded.
3-1 2
[ * ]
on t h e keypad. I f you


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