Special Notations - Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual

32-bit computer
Table of Contents


Fa/con030 Owner's Manual
Appendix E, Connector Specifications,
ports and connectors on the system.
Appendix F, Customer Support,
about your Atari computer and other Atari computer products.
to your computer.
manual .
S pecial Notations
This manual uses speci al notations to communicate i nformation efficiently.
Foll o w i ng are examples of the spec ial notat ions as they appear throughout
this manual.
Characters enclosed in square brackets ( [ ]) represent keys on the keyboard.
For example, when t h i s gu ide i n structs you to press [ Return ] , you should
press the Return key on the keyboard.
When a procedure req u i res you to use two or more keys at the same t ime, the
keys are grouped together (e . g . , [ Control] [ Xl ) .
Notes: These contain useful hints and other information relevant to the topic
being discussed.
Cautions: These alert you to potential problems and suggest ways to avoid
those problems.
F i lenames are capitali zed. For example, the NEWDE S K . IN F and
DES K ICN.RSC fi les are located on your compute r ' s Language disk.
1 -4
The Faicon030
defines common technical terms used in this manual as they relate
helps you locate terms and procedures used or explained i n the
gives speci fications for the v arious
tel l s you where to find more i nformation


Table of Contents

Table of Contents