Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual page 85

32-bit computer
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Fa/con030 Owner's Manual
To change between
box to the left of the word Time. Click the mouse button. B oth the 1 2 and 24 hour
selection boxes display. Move the pointer until the desired box is highl ighted.
C l ick the mouse button agai n .
CPX Mover and Reload CPXs
Only active CPXs are loaded during startup. A l l active CPXs appear in the main
Control Panel Window. I f you need to lise an i nacti ve CPX,
Mover to change the status of the CPX from inactive to acti v e . Then when
select Reload CPXs, the new l y act i ve CPX d i splays i n the main Control Panel
w i ndow.
You can also remove a CPX from the main Control Panel Wi ndow by changing
the status of the CPX from active to i nactive.
To change the status of a CPX, fol low these steps:
1 .
Open the Control Panel. Select
Select the
Figure 4-3. The CPX Mover Window
A Gu ided Tour of the Desktop
1 2
hour t i me , position the poi nter over the selection
Setu p
CPX Mover.
The CPX Mover w i ndow appears.
from the Options menu.
can use the CPX


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