Holding The Mouse; Moving The Pointer; Selecting - Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual

32-bit computer
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Fa/con030 Owner's Manual

Holding the Mouse

P lace your hand over the mouse. Gently grasp the mouse between your thumb and
outer fingers. If you ' re left-handed, you ' l l probabl y want to rest your m iddle
finger on the left mouse button. If you are right handed, your i ndex finger should
rest on the left mouse button . I f neither of these positions
feel s right, then choose a posi tion that i s comfortable for you.
There are several techniques i n v o l ved in u s i ng the mouse. B y mastering these few
simple techn iques, you can eas i l y do basic desktop tasks.
Movi n g the P o i nter
The first basic task y o u need t o l e arn i s h o w t o move the pointer. Moving the
poin ter is easy . Just move the mouse and the pointer w i l l fol low. You ' l l find that
you can move the pointer across the entire screen by rol l i ng the mouse over a
smal l surface area.
Selecti ng
Selec t i ng an i tem t e ll s the computer you want to use the i t . When an i tem i s
selected i t h ighlights, which means i t d i splays on the desktop i n d i fferent c o lors
from your norm a l desktop colors. You can select one i tem or a group of i tems.
Both procedures are di scu ssed in the sections that fol low.


Table of Contents

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