Left Side Panel - Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual

32-bit computer
Table of Contents


Fa/con030 Owner's Manual
SCS I II port w ith DMA connects SCS I dev ices to the system.
-- T V (RF modulator) p l ug allows you to connect the computer to a TV set .
- - V i deo port connects a variety of monitor types.
-- Pri nter ( parall e l ) port connects printers, scanners, or other parallel devices.
Modem ( RS232C) port connects a modem or another serial dev ice.
� .
-- LAN high-speed LocaITal k-ca1compatible port allows you to network your
Fa1con030 w i th other computers.
Power swi tch turns on the power to the system.
Power jack connects the power cord.
Reset sw i tch cold-boots the system when depressed.

Left Side Panel

The fol l ow i ng i s an i l l ustration and descri pt ion o f the features o n the left side
pane l .
1 -14
T h e Faicon030


Table of Contents

Table of Contents