Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual page 181

32-bit computer
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Falcon030 Owner's Manual
f l o p p y d i s k
computer. The disk is made of material simi lar to audio tape.
A subdirectory for storing fi les and other fol ders . A folder appears as a
folder icon ( mani l a folder) on the desktop, or with a folder symbol ( small box ) next
to its name when shown as text.
information. Formatting erases a l l i n formation previously stored on the disk.
fu l l box
size of a w indow alternately between a smaller screen and a ful l-screen.
function keys
keyboard. Many appl ications use these keys to perform special actions.
The portion of TOS that creates and manages all the w indows, icons, menus,
and graphics features of the computer. GEM i s an acronym for Graphics
Env i ronment Manager.
ha rd disk
can store far more data than a floppy disk drive, and can read and write information
many times faster.
ha rdware
software . )
i con
A picture on the desktop that represents a disk, file, folder, or procedure. The
disk icon looks like a fil i ng cabinet; the data file icon looks l ike sheets of paper
with one corner folded; the program fi le icon looks l ike a small desktop; the folder
icon l ooks like
icon looks l ike a bee.
A m a g n e t i c m e d i u m u se d to store i n fo rm a t i on g e n e rated o n a
To set the c i rc u l ar p a t t e r n s on a floppy d i sk t h a t e n a b l e it t o store
The smal l box in the upper right corner of a w i ndow, used to change the
The keys [ F I ] through [ F I 0 ] along the top edge of the computer
A dev ice used to store data on a magnetic surface . A hard d i sk drive
The actual physical apparatus of your computer system. (Compare to
a manila folder; the trash icon looks l ike a trash can; and the bee


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