Open C Pxs - Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual

32-bit computer
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Ope n C PXs . . .
You can open a CPX by first highl igh ting the CPX on the Control Panel main
w i ndow, and then selecting Open CPXs from the Control Panel Opt ions menu. You
can also open a CPX by dou b l e cl icking on i t s box in the Control Panel m a i n w i ndow.
C PX I nfo . . .
When you highl ight a CPX and then select CPX I n fo from the Control Panel Options
menu, the CPX I n fo w i ndow di splays. The w i ndow conta i n s the selected C PX ' s
fi lename, version number, I D n umber, and Re�ident/Non Resident status.
F i l ename i s the C PX ' s actual fi lename as i t appears on the disk. Version and ID are
assi gned by the CPX ' s programmer. Two versions of the same CPX can have the
stlllle ID number. I n this case, o n l y the most recent version is l oaded.
If you have several versions of the same CPX, you can look at the version n umber to
determ i ne which i� the most recent vers ion.
You can use Configure CPXs ( see
res ident stat us of a CPX. You probably want most of your CPXs to have Resident: No
status. This means the b u l k of the program is stored in e x ternal mcmory ( hard or
flopp)' d i s k ) and only read into RAM when you open the CPX.
But if you have a CPX that you u se freq uent l y , you
, tatus. CPXs that have a Resident: Ye� status on start u p arc read d i n:et l y i n to R A M
and rema in there u n t i l you switch off t h e com puter. Rc�ident C P X s r u n
q u i c k l y . but may lake up a great deal of R A M .
Note : When you change a CPX ' s status 10 Residenl : Y(' s . the .1 1e/IIIS chw/ge docs nol
ICIk(' effecl IInlif Ihc /lexl lime you slCln YOII{" s \'slem. The 01//1' limc a CPX cal/ he
inslalled inlo RAM with Residenl status is during startlll}. /1/ Ihe sante wa r. c/tanging
CPX ' s status ro Residc n l : No stalus does 1101 a ( " / / wlll" {"flI I O \ ' e it /i'otl/ RA M IIlIlif rou
switch off you,. 5 Vsll' m .
Configure C PXs
i n this chapter ) to change the
Ill ay w a l l t t o
A Guided Tour of the Desktop
Part ll:
g i ve i t Re� i dent : Yes
b i t more


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