Color Setup - Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual

32-bit computer
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Note: For most serial printers, XonlXoffflow control is set to On. This setting enables
the printer to signal the computer to temporarily stop sending data so it can print
data it has already received. (See RS232 Configuration earlier in this chapter. )
Color Set u p
Depending on your moni tor type and the screen resolution you have selected, u p to
256 colors canbe used for dra w i ng at one t ime on you r screen.
You can choose the colors you w i s h touse from a palette of avail able colors.
Note: Not all A tari computers are capahle of displaying all the resolutions descrihed
in this section. Check your system's hardware specifications to find out which
resolutions it is capahle of displaying.
Color Setup allows you to choose which colors from the color palette you w i sh to
have available for use when you assign w indow colors. See
c hapter.
Th ink of the color palette as a col lect ion of inks. The Color Display Box can d i splay
up to 1 6 colors at a t i me ( t h i s does not l im i t the n umber of colors your system i s
capable o f d i splay i ng ) .
Modi fy any p e n color according t o your personal taste by using t h e fol lo w i ng steps:
1 .
Select one of the available pens by moving the pointer over the des i red pen and c l icking the
mouse button.
Use the RGB scroll bars to add or subtract a color
Green, and B l u e w i l l change the color of the h i g h l i g h ted pen. Repeat Steps I and 2 for
every pen you want to modify.
After you modify the color palette, select
W indow Colors
the pen . Changing the ratio of Red,
to permanently save the palette,
A Gu ided Tou r of the Desktop
Using the Desktop
i n this


Table of Contents

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