File Menu; Open - Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual

32-bit computer
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F i l e Me n u
The File menu contain s options for opening and c losing d i rectory w indows,
selecti ng all displayed fil e s and folders for an operation, deleting a fi l e or fol der,
creating a folder, formatting disks, and more. Thi s section explains i n deta i l each
Fi l e menu option.


The Open command can be performed on a disk icon, cartridge icon, folder, file,
or printer icon.
First select the item you w i sh to ope n . Then select Open from the F i l e menu. The
result of the command depends upon w hich i con is h i gh l ighted:
Disk icon or folder The disk or folder d irectory window appears.
C a rt r i d g e i c o n ( d r i v e c) or e x e c u t a b l e fi l e . The desktop d i s appe ars and the
program runs.
Pri nter icon An alert box , w h i c h i n forms you that the i con you attem pted to
open is a printing dev ice, appears.
Data file If you have i nstalled an application that is l i nked to the
same document type as the data fi l e you are opening, the appl ication auto-
mati call y opens and loads the data fi l e . If no such appl ication is i nsta lled, a
dialog box displays, giving you the choices Show, Print, or Cancel. Show
displays the contents of the file on the screen as A S C I I characters. Prin t outputs
the contents of the file to a printer (if you h ave a printer connected
to your syste m ) , and Cancel cancel s the command.
Note: An alternative to using the Open menu command is to position the pointer
over the icon you wish to open and double-click the left mouse button.
Using the Desktop
A Gu ided Tour of the Desktop


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