Updating A Directory - Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual

32-bit computer
Table of Contents


on the File Deletes confirmation option.
You can halt a delete operation in progress by pressing [ Undo ] w h i le the bee icon
displays. Deleting files is a fast operation, so you must act qu ickly to halt the
process. When the Abort Operation dialog box appears, select Yes to stop the
delete operation. This w i l l not retrieve those files already deleted.
Note : You cannot delete a file if its read/write status is set at Read Only. Also, you
cannot delete a folder containing a Read Onlyflle. To change the read/write status
of a file, select the file. select
Read Only.
U pdati ng a D i recto ry
Being able to update a displayed directory is useful when you are working with
floppy disks. I f you insert a disk into drive A and d i sp lay that disk ' s director-y, and
then remove that disk and insert a new disk into drive A, the window does not
automatically display the new disk's directory. You can update the directory
d i splayed in the w indow by pressing [ Esc ] . Your computer w i l l read the directory
of the disk that is currently in the drive, and display that directory in the window.
Displayed directories update automat ically after you copy, move, or delete a fi le or
folder, or copy or format a disk .
Part II: Using the Desktop
Show I nfo
om the File menu . and then select
Desktop Management
5-1 5


Table of Contents

Table of Contents