Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual page 179

32-bit computer
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Faicon030 Owner's Manual
menu bar, two disk icons, and the trash icon.
desti nation disk
dia log box
w ith you. To exit a dialog box, you must acknowledge the message or choose an
d i s k d rive
drive to read information from or write information to a disk.
disk identifier
is always fol lowed by a colon ( : ) and a backslash
itself i n the move bar of a directory w indow when the root directory displays.
DMA port
drive, or other DMA dev ice to the computer. DMA i s an acronym for Direct
Memory Access.
d o c u m e nt
Documents can contain text, graphics, o r both. Also cal led a fi le. ( See file.)
document type
dot matrix pri nter
printing small dots.
dou ble-c l i c k
mouse button opens a fi le, disk, or folder.
The main screen for the computer. It incl udes (but is not l i m i ted to) the
The disk that information i s written to during a copy procedure.
An i nterac t i ve message box that the computer uses to communicate
A l i st of fi les. ( See current directory, root directory, and subdirectory . )
The most common data storage dev ice. The computer uses the d i sk
The letter i n a pathname indicating which disk is i n use. The letter
A procedure that duplicates data from one disk to another disk.
A high-speed peripheral port for attaching a hard disk drive, C D ROM
A c o l l e c t i o n of data you c reate or m o d i fy u s i n g an a p p l i c a t i o n .
See extension.
A t y pe o f p r i n t e r that for m s c h aracters and g ra p h i c s by
Two q u ick c l icks on a mouse button. A doubl e - c l i c k on the l e ft
(\) .
A disk identifier appears by


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