Organizing And Maintaining Your Hard Disk - Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual

32-bit computer
Table of Contents


4 .
Delete D i rectory O n l y
deleted d irectory files to the root directory. All files saved to the root d i rectory will be
TM Pnnnn
Delete Directory And F i les
the fil e . Select
a l l of its fi les. Select
all .
Note : If a bad sector is found in a lost cluster, an alert box appears giving
you the option of marking the cluster. A lost cluster is a segment of data that
is unaccounted for and inaccessible to the system.
When Markbad finishes scanning the disk, a Logical Drive Markbad tally box with the
total count of n e w l y fou n d bad sectors and the count of a l l p re v i o u s l y fo u n d bad
sectors appears.
Organ izi ng and Mai ntai n i ng you r
Hard Disk
The larger storage capacity of a hard d i sk means that careful folder and fi le
organization is more i mportant than ever. When planning and using your folder
structure, keep the fol lowing tips in mind.
U se folder names that describe the types of files i n the folders
Limit the number of files i n the root directory
Delete unwanted files to free up disk space for new files
to d e l et e the d i rectory structure and save the
stands for the starting hexadecimal cl uster address of
Ignore Bad Sector
Advanced Hard Disk Utilities
to delete the d i rectory structure and
if you don ' t want to take any action at
B-1 5


Table of Contents

Table of Contents